Christopher Finke: I was the one working with Akismet support via email last Friday. I can verify that we identified at least one issue while working with Eoin.
So in my case it was the fact that the variable arg_separator.output
in my PHP.ini setting was set to a non-default value of “& ;” (no spaces) and was being used by http_build_query to create the body of a post to Akismet servers.
At the time, I went ahead and set the value of arg_separator.output
back to the PHP default of “&” and this resolved the issue. As I was able to register my API Key and Akismet once again began functioning. Even though I was told that a fix was in place that would allow the non-default value of “&” which I would prefer to use, as it has been that way for a long while on my system(s) and never caused an issue.
Unfortunately, the fix that was said to be put in place last Friday has not worked for me at all.
I verified this by resetting it to “& ;” (no spaces) yesterday evening, and this morning my users were once again complaining about all spam going into moderation and Akismet not functioning.
So in my opinion, the temporary solution is to conform to what Akismet appears to be expecting by changing back to the default value: arg_separator.output = “&”
My best guess is that they’ve missed an area that is still expecting the default ampersand and nothing more.