Hi Moraima,
To apply certain # of items per row, you would need to add custom CSS.
You can start by adding this code to the “Custom CSS” box on the Edit catalogue page:
.upcp-thumb-image-div a {
width: 100%;
height: auto;}
div.upcp-thumb-image-div img {
max-width: 100%;}
Then, to target a specific category, add this code after:
#prod-cat-category-54 .upcp-thumb-item {
margin: 0 1% 22px 1%!important;
width: 23%;}
The ’54’ is the Category ID (which in this case belongs to ‘Camping’).
The width that is set here will arrange the Camping items as ‘4 per row’. To display 5 per row, just change the 23% to 18%.
Note: If you want to apply ‘4 per row’ to the WHOLE catalogue, then disregard the ‘#prod-cat-category-54…’ code and use this instead:
.upcp-thumb-item {
margin: 0 1% 22px 1%!important;
width: 23%;}