Ajax page that loads the ‘Ajax Load More’
Hey, i’m using the plugin and i have a page with 3 tabs.
Every tab loads data using ajax.
One of the tabs needs to load posts (4 at a time) but the plugin does not work and shows only the “Load More” button.The posts that i trying to fetch are from the ACF relation field.
I dont get any error message and it feels that something is missing.
on the ajax page that i load i have only the:Thats my ajax page code:
<?php require('../../../../wp-load.php'); $postTypeSlug = $_POST['postTypeSlug']; $posts = get_field('articles', 19); if( $posts ): ?> <div class="articles rows-wrapper"> <?php echo do_shortcode('[ajax_load_more container_type="ul" acf="true" acf_post_id="19" acf_field_type="relationship" acf_field_name="articles" post_type="articles" posts_per_page="4" pause="true" transition_container_classes="li-obj col-lg-3 col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12" button_label="Load More"]') ?> </div> <?php endif; ?>
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