• Hi @yehudah,

    On WP 5.0.3 Post SMTP 1.9.8 installed as a replacement for working Postman SMTP 1.7.2. There is setup 3rd party plain SMTP connection.
    Postman had no this issue, but Post SMTP 1.9.8 throw Ajax Error when attempt to test emailing, and ajax request cause exhausted memory (error 500):

    [01-Mar-2019 14:46:35 UTC] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7063 bytes) in /home/******/public_html/wp-includes/wp-db.php on line 1889

    This website also have WooCommerce if that can have any matter?

    If I can help further, please let me know.

    EDIT and what is interesting, even there is thrown Ajax Error message, test email is sent and arrived to my inbox. So probably there is issue when emailing transaction log have to be saved to database?


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  • I will more then happy to hear you but i’m going offline for 30 hours in two minutes.

    Rollback to the original version and I will contact back.

    Thread Starter Aleksandar Uro?evi?


    No rush, something I also have to debug next week (same Post SMTP version on same WP version just setup Sendgrid API work w/o any problem)

    I switch back to Postman before I raised this topic.

    Have a great weekend,

    No problems, any issue you have we can solve it ??

    So feel free to contact again.

    @yehudah Given the mention of WooCommerce and Out of Memory errors, is this the dreaded log file too large issue? I don’t have the issue and can’t repeat, but does switching off the logging have any effect on this issue does anyone know?

    Can’t say, need to check ??

    Hmm. Getting AJAX errors as well. Fresh install of the latest version (2.0.3) on a fresh install of the latest WordPress (5.2.2). Suggestions?

    Rafael Rodrigues


    Here also with the same Ajax error to send messages via the plugin.

    I am getting the AJAX error, but have no other plugins active.

    Thread Starter Aleksandar Uro?evi?


    Hi everybody,

    I resolved this Ajax Error issue on clients’ project by increasing WP memory in wp-config.php:

    define( 'WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '2048M' );

    I also noticed that huge amount of email logs have massive impact on site speed, so had to reduce to only 3000 logs to get site fast enough. Maybe that is another item in this Ajax error equation, or does not affect the issue at all. Just an idea.


    Was also getting Ajax errors after migrating my site to a new server although in my case the Apache error log showed:

    Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function curl_version()

    Seems I omitted to install php7.4-curl on the new server. Ooops! All’s well now.


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