Ajax edit order page content reload
Hi, i’m developing a plugin that must show e custom action button based on order composition.
for doing that i use the “woocommerce_order_item_add_action_buttons” action like this:
add_action( 'woocommerce_order_item_add_action_buttons', array(&$this,'add_admin_send_quote_button'), 10,1 );
then I attach a JS event click to manage the action during the domReady event and like is raccomanded by wordpress on the post-load event that should be thrown after content injection like this$(document).ready(init); $(document.body).on('post-load',init);
all works good until some action reload the content without calling the post-load event.
There is some other events i can use to catch all the dom html injection donw in this page?
I prefer to avoid to register every event that can reload the ‘#woocommerce-order-items’ section because this can be changed in the future.
i appreciate any help
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