• From the code excerpt at the bottom, added for context (from a WP course I’m doing) I’ve extracted a section below I’m confused about. We’re sending the object ourNewPost to ajax. To get the post immediately from draft to published 'status': 'publish' has been added. But how on earth is ajax interpreting the object as I can’t find anywhere which defines how the object’s properties are to be defined/named and what other properties I can use??

    var ourNewPost = {
                'title': $(".new-note-title").val(),
                'content': $(".new-note-body").val(),
                'status': 'publish'
        // Here we need to fetch the actual data that's in the form fields for this note
            var ourNewPost = {
                'title': $(".new-note-title").val(),
                'content': $(".new-note-body").val(),
                'status': 'publish'
        // instead of using $.getJSON we use this...
                // Here we pass the session ID, which authenticates the logged in user
                beforeSend: (xhr)=>{
                    xhr.setRequestHeader('X-WP-Nonce', mySite.nonce);
        // We access thisNote's (the li element) data attribute 'data-id'. BTW don't use 'data-id' use 'id'
                url: mySite.domain + '/wp-json/wp/v2/note/',
                type: 'POST',
                data: ourNewPost,
                // If it's successful then return to read only
                success: (response)=>{
                    // log the WP server response
                    $(".new-note-title, .new-note-body").val('');
                    $('<li>Imagine real data here</li>').prependTo("#my-notes").hide().slideDown();
                // What if it fails
                error: (response)=>{
                    console.log("It's Broken!!!");
                    // log the WP server response
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by GusGF.
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  • It’s not “sending to ajax”; it’s using AJAX to send to the REST API.

    Moderator bcworkz


    You can set any post property that is described in its API schema. Any property you don’t set takes on the default value. Most people are mainly concerned with only title and content. You might consider assigning categories or tags. However, knowing which terms and maybe adding new is a whole other UI element you’ve probably not gotten to yet.

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