• I upgraded my ai1ec to V 1.11.2 Pro and WP to V 3.6 and had an immediate display issue, specifically, I could see the Upcoming Event content but NOT the content would NOT display correctly. Same with the various other display views – I could see the content, but it would not display correctly. I bitched to Timely (I’ve apoligized to them already); communicated with my theme author’s tech people, had a number of people view the website and everyone of these folks saw the content displayed correctly!

    After almost a week of trying to figure this out, I decided that my Hughesnet modem was the cause. I had my repairman come to my house and we tried everything he could think of and when we went to the Internet, bypassing the modem, the page display correctly. Put the modem back in the loop and the problem manifested itself again. I called Hughesnet and the tech I talked to did a remote reboot and changed an internal setting in my modem and the problem want away.

    My suggestion to anyone having a display issue with the ai1ec, especially after upgrading to V 1.11.2 Pro (I can’t speak to the non-Pro version) consider rebooting your modem as part of your trouble-shooting routine.

    I hope this saves someone the time I spent on the problem.



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