Aggregating Usermeta From Blogs To Custom Table
I am working to build a plugin or an MySQL query to aggregate some blog and user meta into a table created by a plugin. The plugin developer has advised me that the table is a flat table, and I can add data to it.
I am using code I found through web search (Google) and have verified that I am retrieving the data I want to use by echoing it to screen.
I have slightly modified the code that displayed the data in an attempt to insert that data into the plugin table wp_store_locator.
It doesn’t work. And as you can understand, because I am posting here, I haven’t got the faintest clue on how to make corrections.
Any suggestions?
Kirk<?php $bcount = get_blog_count(); global $wpdb; $blogs = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $wpdb->blogs WHERE spam = '0' AND deleted = '0' and archived = '0' and public='1'")); if(!empty($blogs)){ ?><ul class="menu"><?php foreach($blogs as $blog){ $details = get_blog_details($blog->blog_id); if($details != false){ $addr = $details->siteurl; $name = $details->blogname; $blognum = $details->blog_id; if(!(($blog->blog_id == 1)&&($show_main != 1))){ ?> <li class="menu-item<?php if($counter == get_current_blog_id()){ echo ' current-menu-item';}?>"> Blog ID = <?php echo $blognum; ?><br /> Blog URL = <?php echo $addr; ?><br /> Blog Name = <?php echo $name;?><br /> <?php $user_id_from_email = get_user_id_from_string( get_blog_option($blognum, 'admin_email')); $current_site_admin = get_userdata($user_id_from_email); $kw_fname = (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'first_name', true)); $kw_lname = (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'last_name', true)); $kw_admin_email = get_bloginfo ( 'admin_email' ); $kw_practice_name = (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'practicename', true)); $kw_office_phone (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'officephone', true)); $kw_office_city = (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'officecity', true)); $kw_office_street = (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'officestreet', true)); $kw_office_state = (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'officestateprovince', true)); $kw_office_zip = (get_user_meta($current_site_admin, 'officepostcode', true)); </li> <?php } } } ?></ul><?php } $data = array( 'sl_id' => $blognum, 'sl_store' => $kw_practice_name, 'sl_address' => $kw_office_street, 'sl_city' => $kw_office_city, 'sl_state' => $kw_office_state, 'sl_zip' => $kw_office_zip, 'sl_country' => , 'sl_url' => $addr, 'sl_image' => , 'sl_private' => NULL, 'sl_neat_title' => NULL, 'sl_pages_url' => NULL, 'sl_pages_on' => NULL, 'sl_lastupdated' => current_time('mysql', 1), 'sl_option_value => NULL ); $wpdb->insert(wp_store_locator, $data); ?>
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