I have a problem. When i enable the Aggregate CSS-files? it breakes my homepage. I use elementor + woodmart. I cant find the related css that does that. Can someone help ?
Thank you!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
Hey , If I add wp-content/themes/ it works correct. Can somehow , narrow down that particular css ? Cause if I add the exception I get 155 requests. Thank you !
that again will take trial and error; all woodmart CSS seems to be in themes/woodmart/css/parts/, so search for that string in the HTML source and try excluding each file that is on that path one by one?
alternatively you could try *seeing* what on the page breaks when CSS optimization is active and based on that and on the filesnames in the HTML and some luck/ common sense try to identify which file(s) might need exclusion?
I see. I excluded the /parts folder and it works as it should. So I guess is something in there. It breaks the frontend centered layout. Everything goes to the left.
I guess I have to do it one by one. Thanks for the help!
ah, instead of excluding (part of) the theme, try removing the default wp-content/uploads exclusion maybe? that directory contains /2023/11/xts-theme_settings_default-1699557087.css and it looks like that default exclusion breaks the CSS order, leading to the problem you descibe.
do take care however of the Autoptimize cache size as typically files in wp-content/uploads change and can cause new AO files being cached, making the cache grow too quick ..
yes I do get errors when autoptimize is off. So I guess it’s something els and when I enable autoptimize it seems that it comes from your plugin. I have to take a look at it.
thank you again. BTW , elementor folder does the conflict not the xts file. I have these settings right now. I included every folder , except elementor.
the only thing to watch out for is cache size really, keep an eye out for that the next week or so. if it does not grow quickly, you should be good to go ??