• Resolved NUCUTA


    This plugin may seriously have a huge bug or something which has yet to be fixed. Since the last update, at first it kept backing up one after another simultaneously.Yeah it showed like 5 progress bars in the same time when I started backing up the site. This increases both the RAM and the CPU usage. My site is a very small, yet it consumes nearly 1GB for backing up the file. It never happened before that. then I reduced the split archive size to 25MB, it worked for a couple of days, then again now it shows the same issue. In sometimes, it automatically starts backing up files. I set all the settings to manual, not automatic. I uninstalled the plugin, deactivated, wiped the settings but none of them are working. I noticed that since I installed this plugin, the average RAM usage of my site rose to 500MB whereas without this it was always under 100MB.


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  • Thread Starter NUCUTA


    Thread Starter NUCUTA


    Why it starts backing up the site twice? If I increased the split archive size to 400MB, it will jump to 5 whilst increasing both the RAM and the CPU usage. Yeah this plugin indeed has a HUGE bug. I think most of people are not aware of this.

    Thread Starter NUCUTA


    See again it starts another backup instance.
    It keeps backing the site one after another,nonstop.

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    I notice that the backups are exactly 5 minutes apart. I wonder if something on the network between your browser and server repeats the “start backup” request.

    Try starting a backup, then close the browser tab with UpdraftPlus on it. Re-open it 10 minutes later. How many backups started?


    Thread Starter NUCUTA


    why it shows bandwidth usage? I didn’t set the files to upload to a remote server, yet it shows the bandwidth is used for backing up the files. do you download our data into your website to process them or something?

    Thread Starter NUCUTA


    now it’s working.

    0851.186 (0) There were no errors in the uploads, so the ‘resume’ event (1) is being unscheduled
    0851.194 (0) No email will/can be sent – the user has not configured an email address.
    0851.194 (0) The backup apparently succeeded and is now complete

    but the memory usage is soo high.
    but at least it’s working. thanks.

    Thread Starter NUCUTA


    I dunno why since the update is completed, the ram is still at 300MB. It didn’t go below like in other times ?? The average ram consumption for my site is just 20MB to 60MB.

    Plugin Author David Anderson


    You can get less memory usage by using a different zip engine; put this in your wp-config.php:

    define(‘UPDRAFTPLUS_NO_BINZIP’, true);


    I’m having the same issue – getting 2 or 3 backups, exactly 5 minutes apart. Is there a definitive solution?

    FYI: I have always left the browser window open during this process and I backup to Google Drive

    About to try different zip engine as above. Will advise.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by planethurf. Reason: Added update
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by planethurf.
    Plugin Author David Anderson



    Where this has been investigated before, it has been found that something on the network or in the browser is repeating the “Backup Now” request. i.e. The HTTP request is being repeated somewhere in the network. If you close the browser, it doesn’t happen; and if you look in the Apache logs, you see a second HTTP request, 5 minutes later. Does it happen in every web browser, and in no-extensions mode? If so, then it’s not something in the browser but in the network.


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