• On May 7, 2012, an AG Custom Admin update notification appeared on my admin page. I immediately installed the updated version. I then logged on as a subscriber to my site, and the entire admin bar is visible. I logged back in to my site as the admin, checked the settings, and then checked it out again as a subscriber. The admin bar is still present.

    I re-installed the previous version of AG Custom Admin and the admin bar disappeared like it should.


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  • Thanks for reporting. Should be fixed in next version.

    Thread Starter Kevin M. Schafer


    Thank you for the reply, argonius. The AG Custom Admin plugin is fantastic, and now that I’ve tried it for about a month, I will be making a donation. Please keep up the great work.

    Thread Starter Kevin M. Schafer


    I tried the new version again today (, and now it works. The only thing, when I log in as a subscriber, the admin bar appears for a split second then disappears.

    I went back to using version: and it works perfectly. The admin bar does not appear at all when subscribers log in to my site.

    Thread Starter Kevin M. Schafer


    I went back to using version and an error occurs when I try to access my admin page — when logged in as the admin or a subscriber. So, now I’m back to using the latest version of AG Custom Admin.

    The admin bar still appears for a split second each time a page is loaded.

    I have resorted to going into each subscriber’s profile and un-checking the box that says “Show toolbar when visiting the site.” I’m sure somewhere down the line, a subscriber will check the box again — which won’t do anything for them except for lowering the site about 30 px from the top in their browser and provide them with an annoying black bar blinking at the top of their screen every time they click on a link.

    All right, you can put this quick fix in latest version of AG Custom Admin until new version comes out:

    – open ag-custom-admin/plugin.php
    – go to line 559
    – paste this line:

    You might add this line there as well, just check if it looks better:
    html {margin-top: 0;}

    Let me know if it works, or not. Problem with downgrading to earlier AGCA version could be with browser caching. Just clear cache and retry.

    New version is in preparation, so you might not wait too long until is out. Let me know if you need additional help.

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