• Resolved inspired888


    Hi there,
    We have a busy ecom store. We’ve recently switched to Stripe (was using Braintree, via your BT plugin).

    Since moving to Stripe, we activated the AfterPay feature.

    I noticed all of the Afterpay orders were automatically cancelled, and not showing up in Stripe dashboard at all.

    Doing a test order with Afterpay, I see the following error was preventing users from getting beyond the checkout.

    Missing required param: payment_method_data[billing_details][name].

    There’s no issue checking out with any other methods (card, Paypal).

    We use a custom check-out, from FunnelKit (previously known as Woofunnels). As far as I know, it uses the all the standard WC checkout fields as per normal. Certainly the other payments methods seem to “think” so, and those payment methods are being handled by your plug-ins. So it seems to me there’s something unusual about the implementation of Afterpay causing this problem.

    Any thoughts on this?



    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by inspired888.
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  • Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @inspired888

    The Afterpay implementation uses the same code base as the other Stripe payment methods offered in the plugin. That error will be triggered if the billing_first_name and billing_last_name fields are not present on the checkout page.

    On your FunnelKit checkout page do you show the shipping address instead of the billing address?


    Thread Starter inspired888


    Thanks for the assistance.

    Both of those fields are populated. The checkout won’t proceed if they are not (as in, they are required fields).

    The customer FN and LN fields are their billing details. If they want to add different details for shipping, they can do so, via another section. As per normal WC checkout.

    If either the Billing First Name and Billing Last Name were not filled out, none of our other payment options would work either.

    It seems to me something else is playing up here, which only arises in the Afterpay implementation.

    Any further suggestions?



    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by inspired888.
    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    Hi @inspired888

    Can you share your website url?


    Thread Starter inspired888


    I’ve currently got Afterpay disabled, as we lost a few grand in sales when it was on (13 orders failed).

    I’ll ping you on Slack, so we can coordinate me briefly activating AfterPay.

    Plugin Author Payment Plugins


    @inspired888 Please use this link to contact us: https://paymentplugins.com/contact-us/

    Thread Starter inspired888


    Thanks @mrclayton.
    I’ll mark this as solved, since you’ve figure out the issue, and are coming up with a solution.
    Much appreciated.

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