First, haochi is right, look in your sidebar code between student and Analysis, you’ll see the spare bold:
Each of your paragraphs should be enclosed in paragraph tags:
`<p> </p>’
If you do this, and remove the inline styles, then the browser should style the paragraph according to the style sheets provided, which will provide upper and lower margins and appropriate line heights.
I don’t know what to say about the problems you are having with the editor, or how Safari might affect that. You should not actually need the line breaks at all, the browser should break the lines to fit in the content container.
I notice that you have installed some conditional comments to detect IE7 and IE6 and supply different style sheets for each. I’m not sure what you were trying to correct with this, but after you get done removing the MsoNormal tags, you might want to take these out to see how your browser does without them. In any event, to keep this from getting out of hand, you probably want to use the conditional commments to re-style only the tags you need, and let the external style sheets do the heavy lifting. Remember styles cascade, so each subsequent styling of a tag overrides the last.
Best of luck