• Which files from the old WP version are we able to delete after the upgrade? i see a lot of b2comments, etc etc, and I’m wondering if it’s safe to delete any of them. ??

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  • none of the old files are required just config details are required to be carried forward in the case of an upgrade…

    Could we possibly get a good list of specific files that are safe to just delete? I just upgraded (without a glitch so far, from .72 to 1.0 then 1.0.1) and would like to clean up some files…but I hesitate to just “delete” even when doing a comparison between the files that came with .72 then 1.x.x. Thanks!

    I’ve successfully upgraded by deleting EVERY file (except my index.php and wp-layout.css, although I eventually deleted those when changing my template)… as long as you set up your wp-config.php properly, you are perfectly safe simply deleting everything, and replacing it with the new installation.
    In fact, I would suggest copying your template changes from your old index.php to the new index.php, and using that one, simply to ensure that it’s including all the correct files and calling all the correct functions.

    I was wondering this too, because I upgraded from 0.72 gold to 1.01. I think the specific question is for those of us, who upgraded by writing over the old files with the new ones in the distro, can we safely delete all of the files that say B2 without problems? Specifically….
    b2-img directory and all the files under it
    b2-include directory all the files under it
    and in the root directory

    My solution is simple.
    If the blog is upgraded to 1.01 and is working fine.
    Just keep a backup of the config file and the index/stylesheet pages if you have done any modifications to them.
    rename the old folder.
    Make a new folder with the original name.
    Upload the WP1.01 files.
    Upload your customized config and index/stylesheets.
    WP1.01 afaik does not need any file from the previous installation except for the config details. And the customized template too…

    I’ve done three upgrades just recently, one blog from b2 to wordpress 1.0.1 and another firstly from wordpress 0.72 to 1.0, then from wordpress 1.0 to 1.0.1. In every case I deleted everything except my template files and anything else I’d added myself (I have various skins files etc besides the index.php) and replaced them with a clean upload of the 1.0.1 install – stright out of the zip file. The only thing I did to the new files before uploading them was edit the new wp-config file to show the database locations.
    I had no problems with any upgrade. In fact I think it’s a good idea, rather than leaving obsolete files hanging around cluttering up the place. As far as I can tell the new version of WP is pretty much designed with a clean install in mind.
    To be more specific, I deleted all the files mentioned by mtanner during the b2-to-wp upgrade wihtout a single issue.
    Just make sure you keep your databases so you can import your old entries. ??



    Oh! Is it easier to go to 1.0 from 0.72 than directly to 1.01? I’m breaking everything all the time =( (I have backups, but still)
    (Hi Shelley)



    I found a number of things broke, and seemed really broken, when I upgraded but actually it’s just that the lines in the templates that tell wordpress what to do need to be changed. Like the part that starts the wordpress loop on the index page and the bit above “start editing here” on the comment include. I ended up taking the new index and comment files and just redoing all my alterations in there. Then all the scary error messages disappeared. Try using the install without any customisations and if that works then I’d say this is your problem.
    Either way, you’ll have to make those changes whether you go from 0.72 – 1.0 – 1.01 or straight from 0.72 to 1.01. And it is worth not only going to 1.01 but grabbing the latest build (17/02), because there are nice bug fixes and features in there.

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