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  • Hello,

    My modals have also disappeared since upgrading. Is there any way of getting them back or have they been wiped?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Hey nas198711, I do appologize for any inconvenience. We tested like crazy to ensure migration from v1 to v2 was taken care of and that modal ids were the same etc.

    I dont see the plugin JS loaded in your site. Is the plugin enabled?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    The following function should force re import of existing modals.

    Add this to your themes functions.php

    add_action('plugin_init', 'fix_my_modals');
    function fix_my_modals()
    		if(emodal_get_option('EasyModal_Version') && !emodal_get_option(EMCORE_SLUG.'_migration_approval'))
    			new EModal_Migrate_Pre_V2;
    		emodal_update_option(EMCORE_SLUG.'_manual_migration', true);
    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    All of your modals are still there. We just changed how we store them. Once they have been imported successfully they will be flagged as done, but we havent added functionality to delete them permanantly yet just for this reason.



    The plugin is working fine for me since the upgrade, but it’s conflicting with Royalslider, causing the slider to disappear when Easy Modal is activated. Any ideas why? This was working fine before.


    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Hey Mazecreative, can you email me a link to examine where the problem is occuring. May be a simple fix which i can push quickly.

    danieliser at

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    John i saw your site but it seems to be using tooltips not modals for those links. Let me know if you still need help.

    I am having the same problem on my site. All my modals are gone. I tried adding the code above to my functions.php file but I still don’t see any of my modals. Did I need to put it in a specific section or just any place? Do I have to do something to activate the new function or should it just run when I load the theme?

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    It is meant to run only once. And then it wont run again, if you would like to run it more than once comment out the if() check.

    But that may result in duplicate modals. We are writing a reset/reimport button for the settings page to help address this.

    The real problem lies in that only about 1/200 sites experience this and we haven’t even been able to reproduce it in testing. So even testing fixes is hit and miss because once the issue happens it doesn’t happen a second time.

    Plugin Author Daniel Iser


    Everyone please check here for a solution that we have tested on 3 separate breakages.

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