• Resolved Chigolo


    After upgrading to version 4.2.1 I’m only getting a white page in the frontend. If I’m deavtivating the plugin, the site is working…

    Please fix the problem. Thx.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Hi @fitnsexy,

    Plugin seems to be working normally for me so I’m going to need some more details from you in order to help. Please:

    1. Go to Settings > WordPress Popular Posts.
    2. Append &tab=debug to the URL in the address bar of your browser and hit enter.
    3. Copy the contents of your Debug screen and share them here.

    Also, I’ll need to see the contents of your debug.log file:

    1. In your wp-config.php file, set WP_DEBUG to true.
    2. Add the following lines to your wp-config.php file anywhere before the /* That's all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */ line:
      define('WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false);
      define('WP_DEBUG_LOG', true);
    3. Visit your site. If everything went correctly, you should have a debug.log file in your wp-content folder. Copy its contents and share them here (remember to use the code button to wrap its contents!)
    Thread Starter Chigolo


    The page works if the plugin is disabled, as soon as it should show posts I get a white page.

    There you go:


    PHP version: 5.6.38

    PHP extensions: Core, date, ereg, libxml, pcre, filter, hash, Reflection, SPL, session, standard, cgi-fcgi, limiter, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dba, dom, enchant, mbstring, fileinfo, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, json, exif, mcrypt, mysqlnd, mysqli, mysql, openssl, pcntl, PDO, pdo_mysql, zlib, posix, pspell, readline, shmop, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, sqlite3, pdo_sqlite, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xml, xmlwriter, xsl, wddx, zip, Phar, SourceGuardian, mhash, ionCube Loader, Zend Guard Loader

    Database version: 5.7.19

    InnoDB availability: YES

    WordPress version: 4.9.8

    Multisite: No

    External object cache: No


    Active plugins: affilinet Performance Ads 1.9.5, All-in-One WP Migration 6.81, All In One WP Security, Amazon Affiliate for WordPress 3.8.8, Amazon Associates Link Builder 1.8.0, AmazonSimpleAdmin (ASA1) 1.3.2, amr shortcode any widget 3.6, AntiVirus 1.3.9, BackWPup 3.6.6, blogfoster Insights 1.0.6, CC Cookie Consent 1.2.0, Check and Enable GZIP compression 1.1.11, Clear Cache For Me 1.0, Coming Soon Page & Maintenance Mode by SeedProd 5.0.23, Disable Gutenberg 1.4, Embed videos and respect privacy 1.1, Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP) 5.3.7, Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights 7.3.2, Google Analytics Opt-Out 2.2.3, Google XML Sitemaps 4.0.9, Hotfix 1.0, Insert Headers and Footers 1.4.3, Instagram Feed 1.10.2, JCH Optimize 2.3.2, Link Indication 4.4, McAfee SECURE 1.7.7, NextGEN Gallery 3.1.1, NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster 4.2.8, Optimus 1.6.0, PayPal Buy Now Button 1.7.2, PHPEnkoder 1.14.1, Shariff Wrapper 4.5.2, Simple Local Avatars 2.1, Social Media and Share Icons (Ultimate Social Media) 2.0.9, Stealth Login Page 4.0.0, TablePress 1.9.1, TinyMCE Advanced 4.8.0, Ultimate Nofollow 1.4.7, UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore 1.15.7, Widget Visibility Without Jetpack 1.2, WordPress Importer 0.6.4, WordPress Popular Posts 4.2.1, WP-Optimize 2.2.6, WP AdminTools 1.3.9, WPForms Lite, WP htaccess Control 3.5.1, WP Migrate DB 1.0.8, WP Sitemap Page 1.6.1, WP Super Cache 1.6.4, WP Super Cache – Clear all cache 1.4, Yoast SEO 9.2.1

    Theme: FitnessMag (1.4) by WPExplorer

    debog.log, see below:
    `[06-Dec-2018 15:11:39 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method WP_Hotfix_Controller::init() should not be called statically in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-content/plugins/hotfix/hotfix.php on line 11
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:39 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_social_widget ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:39 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_video ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:39 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_recent_posts ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:39 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_flickr ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:39 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method WP_Hotfix_Controller::init() should not be called statically in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-content/plugins/hotfix/hotfix.php on line 11
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:40 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_social_widget ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:40 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_video ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:40 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_recent_posts ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:40 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_flickr ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:40 UTC] PHP Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to WPP_Output::get_permalink() must be an instance of int, string given, called in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-popular-posts/includes/class-wordpress-popular-posts-output.php on line 168 and defined in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-popular-posts/includes/class-wordpress-popular-posts-output.php on line 290
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:44 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method WP_Hotfix_Controller::init() should not be called statically in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-content/plugins/hotfix/hotfix.php on line 11
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:44 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_social_widget ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:44 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_video ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:44 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_recent_posts ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:44 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_flickr ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:45 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Non-static method WP_Hotfix_Controller::init() should not be called statically in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-content/plugins/hotfix/hotfix.php on line 11
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:45 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_social_widget ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:45 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_video ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:45 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_recent_posts ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:45 UTC] PHP Notice: Die verwendete Konstruktor-Methode für WP_Widget in wpex_flickr ist seit Version 4.3.0 veraltet! Verwende stattdessen


    . in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3916
    [06-Dec-2018 15:11:45 UTC] PHP Notice: Undefined index: custom_bg in /var/www/web24574932/html/fitnsexy/wp-content/themes/wpex-fitnessmag/admin/classes/class.options_machine.php on line 476

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Thanks @fitnsexy!

    From all of the error messages you have there, only one is related to WPP.

    With the plugin disabled, try this:

    1. Go to Plugins > Editor and select WordPress Popular Posts from the dropdown.
    2. Click on includes/class-wordpress-popular-posts-output.php to edit that file.
    3. Find private function get_permalink( int $post_id ) { (around line 290) and change it to private function get_permalink( $post_id ) {.
    4. Click on Update file to save changes.
    5. Reactivate WPP and visit your site to check if this fixes the issue.

    Please report back your results.

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Actually, scratch what I said in step 3. Do this instead:


    // Permalink
    $permalink = $this->get_permalink( $post_id );

    and change it to:

    $post_id = (int) $post_id;
    // Permalink
    $permalink = $this->get_permalink( $post_id );
    Thread Starter Chigolo


    Unfortunatelly it’s not working. Same as before.

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Yep, it’s because you’re using PHP 5. That’s why I didn’t notice the error before (I’m using PHP 7). This is the problem, actually.

    A fix is already on the way, please upgrade as soon as it’s out.

    Thanks for reporting!

    Thread Starter Chigolo


    Where can I download the old version 4.2.0?

    Thread Starter Chigolo


    Allright, thx! I’m waiting for it. Great support by the way!!

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Version 4.2.2 is out! You should be getting an update notification in your Dashboard soon.

    Great support by the way!!

    Thanks! If you’re up for it, please consider leaving a review. Reviews help other users tell whether a plugin (and its support team, in this case it’s me) are worth their consideration & time ??

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Oh, and please don’t forget to report if version 4.2.2 actually fixes the issue (it should, just want to confirm).

    Thread Starter Chigolo


    It’s working. Thx man!!

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Don’t mention it ??

    Thread Starter Chigolo


    :-.) One more question. How can I change the colours of the links, so that they are looking the same as the others on the right side of my page like this: https://gyazo.com/24eb086d98f08ffaa50d138e30eb301a

    Thread Starter Chigolo


    Or better, exactly the same ?? What do I have to put in the custom html code?

    Plugin Author Hector Cabrera


    Well, you could:

    A) Force WPP links to use the same colors:

    .wpp-post-title {
        color: #333 !important;


    B) Have the WPP widget use the exact same code structure as your Recent Posts widget (and then it’ll look exactly the same):

    1. Set Before / after Popular Posts to <ul class="recent-posts-widget clearfix"> and </ul>, respectively.
    2. Set Post HTML Markup to:
      <li class="clearfix">
          <div class="alignleft">
              <a href="{url}" title="{text_title}">
                  <img src="{thumb_url}" alt="{text_title}">
          </div><!-- /alignleft -->
              <a href="{url}" title="{text_title}">{text_title}</a>
          <div class="recent-post-date">{date}</div>
    3. Hit Save to apply changes.
    4. If you have a caching plugin installed, now would be a good time to flush its cache.

    That’s it!

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