
    Hi ,
    I am a photographer and chosed the “Core” theme for my website.
    Since I did one up-grade (that WordPress suggested to do) my website is not manageble any more .
    My website address https://www.tosi-photography.com and my WordPress version is 3.8.1 and my theme is “Core”.
    I can’t load photos , and i can’t attach them on a chosed gallery or page.
    I can’t manage my website anymore.
    Ihave turned off my plug ins and try the default theme but the problem persisted.
    Can you help me, Please
    Thank You, Tosi
    Sono un fotografo e da quando ho fatto l’ultimo up grade (Che mi è stato suggerito di fare dalla WordPress) la mia website non è più gestibile.
    L’indirizzo della mia website è https://www.tosi-photography.com e la versione wordpress che stó utilizzando è la 3.8.1 ed il tema è “Core”.
    Non riesco più a caricare le immagini sul sito ed non riesco ad attaccare niente alle “gallerie” che poi vanno a finire nelle varie pagine.
    Insomma sono tagliato fuori e non risponde più .
    I plugins sono disattivati ed anche con il teme di default non funziona.
    Il tema “Core” è a pagamento ma loro dicono che siete voi che avete creato il problema con il vostro upgrade e che quindi devo rivolgermi a voi.
    Se anche voi mi mandate da loro io rimango sempre qui senza che nessuno si prenda la responsabilità del problema e di come risolverlo.
    Avendo aperto questa discussione già una volta ma che poi è stata chiusa senza un motivo a me comprensibile , vi chiedo per favore non fatelo di nuovo.
    Per favore aiutatemi perchè al momento in cui ho fatto l’up grade stavo lavorandoe cambiando delle cose nella mia website e quindi ora come ora è mezza sottosopra con parti mancanti che non danno un’impressione molto professionale.
    Grazie mille, Tosi

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  • esmi


    Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    resetting the plugins folder by FTP or PhpMyAdmin. Sometimes, an apparently inactive plugin can still cause problems.

    – re-uploading all files & folders – except the wp-content folder and wp-config.php & root .htaccess files – from a fresh download of WordPress. Make sure that you delete the old copies of files & folder before uploading the new ones.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Theme Diva & Forum Moderator,

    Thank You for your answer.
    I am sorry but to me it’s a little bit complicated to understand the way you explained what I am supposed to do. . . . can’t you elaborate the last 2 point in a little more syple way because I do not know what you mean . . . .I do not know what these words and abbreviations means.
    Please help me (english it’s not my language) I am not really in clear or by anyway an expert on wordpress .



    1. Log into your web host control panel, use the file manager to compress all the files that make up your website, then download the compressed file. In most cases youd only download the files and folders mentioned by esmi. Sounds like this would be easier for you.

    2. Log into your web host control panel, use the Databases / phpMyadmin tool to make a backup (export) of your database. If something goes wrong then you have the database saved for security.

    3. Delete your website files and re install wordpress using a fresh download of wordpress from www.remarpro.com. Dont use a one click install if you have one, Ive known them to overwrite previous installations databases depending on your host.

    4. Once you have re installed wordpress, delete the
    folder – “wp-content”,
    file – “.htaccess”
    file – “wp-content.php”
    from your new installation.

    5. Unzip the backup file you took of your previous website, and upload the same files and folders from there to your new installation.

    Dont worry about re up loading your database, your old database is still there.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Hi Knoppys,
    I must be really slow but for “web host control panel” you mean where you log in in the wordpress to manege your website, where you find the menu with the Dashboard -posts-media-gallery and so on or I am compeletly in the wrong place? . . . .and if ti is there where do you find the file manager?

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    HI Knoppys,
    OK finally I have understood,
    I went on my web host control panel “go daddy” and I have open the web manager page . . . now,on top on the left side I have a menu with a button to upload files and one for New and under it I have a menu with a list of folders named:
    -Apache Logs
    . . . which one I am suppose to upload or compress (and how am I supposed to compress it if the only thing I can do on the page is upload them) ?

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Hi to anyone,
    I have realized that my wordpress in my host damain my version it isn’t the 3.8.1 but the 3.4.2 and it is asking me to do an update. . . .boy what a mass . . .please someone can help me and esplain really clearly step by step what am y suppose to do ?



    As you have such an old version of WordPress, you will need to carry out a series of smaller manual upgrades. See Upgrading_WordPress_Extended for the full details.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Shoud I unistall the 3.4.2 version ?
    Should I go back to the 3.4.1 version ?
    Should I update to 3.8.1. ?

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Since thie 3.4.2 version does not work should I unistall it or reverse to 3.4.1 ? before trying to upgrade ?



    Just start upgrading to 3.8.1.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    HI again,
    Idid the upgrade directly from my host web controll panel succesfully and after I went on my web site to se if I could menage my photos . . .but I cant.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    I am soo tired of this mess can’t I just cancel everything word press softwear and everything inside and reload from scratch the softwear and reloads all my photos?

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Before I’ve directly upgraded the software, as you suggested, I was trying following what you said before and to do it i’ve read the Upgrading_WordPress_Extended and followed the instructions I had to download the softwear “MySQL” to manage the backup of the files and that too it’s so complicated to make it work that it makes you crazy

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @tosiphotography? Please excuse me while make a side note to address something.

    @knoppys I’ve deleted your post, please do not request that other members contact you again off site. That is actively discouraged.

    That’s not a judgement on you or your behavior and I’m not accusing you of any ill will. Requesting that contact has lead to abusive behavior in the past.

    It’s something that was touched upon not that long ago. You can read the summary of that conversation at this link. It’s the item labeled “Contacting people off forum”.

    Thread Starter TOSIPHOTOGRAPHY


    Hi Mr J Dembowsky,
    What is this, what is going on ?
    It isn’t knoppys one of you guys here to help ?
    And what about my problem there is someone that can really take some time and help me please ?

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