Viewing 6 replies - 1 through 6 (of 6 total)
  • janjonas


    Please try to use the following code in the “‘OnAfterUpdateComments’ callback” option:

    var $ = jQuery;
    /******* blog stuff ******/

    Hope this helps…

    Thread Starter pronuc


    PERFECT !! I would like to thank for your hard work and support …

    This is a beautiful plugin (premium plugin),, unfortunately I could not complete my donation … **PayPal does not currently support Donation Payments from buyers in JP (Japan). We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.** SORRY!!

    Resolve manufacturing *premium plugins*,let me know ..

    One more thing, any suggestions to solve :::p.comment-form-rating ; p.stars ; select#rating .



    Thanks for your feedback and thanks for your 5-star review.

    Unfortunately, I don’t understand the “:::p.comment-form-rating ; p.stars ; select#rating” problem …

    Thread Starter pronuc


    HI… after sending a message or use pagination (next or previous), RATING is disable … stars hide … , (p.comment-form-rating ; p.stars ; select#rating) these are some CSS ID and CLASS

    Please feel free —




    Please try to add the following code at the end of your already existing “‘OnAfterUpdateComments’ callback” option:

    jQuery(document).ready(function(e){e(".woocommerce-tabs .panel").hide();e(".woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs li a").click(function(){var t=e(this),n=t.closest(".woocommerce-tabs");e("ul.tabs li",n).removeClass("active");e("div.panel",n).hide();e("div"+t.attr("href"),n).show();t.parent().addClass("active");return!1});e(".woocommerce-tabs").each(function(){var t=window.location.hash;t.toLowerCase().indexOf("comment-")>=0?e("ul.tabs li.reviews_tab a",e(this)).click():e("ul.tabs li:first a",e(this)).click()});e("#rating").hide().before('<p class="stars"><span><a class="star-1" href="#">1</a><a class="star-2" href="#">2</a><a class="star-3" href="#">3</a><a class="star-4" href="#">4</a><a class="star-5" href="#">5</a></span></p>');e("body").on("click","#respond p.stars a",function(){var t=e(this),n=e(this).closest("#respond").find("#rating");n.val(t.text());t.siblings("a").removeClass("active");t.addClass("active");return!1}).on("click","#respond #submit",function(){var t=e(this).closest("#respond").find("#rating"),n=t.val();if(t.size()>0&&!n&&woocommerce_params.review_rating_required=="yes"){alert(woocommerce_params.i18n_required_rating_text);return!1}});e("form.cart").submit(function(){e(this).find(":submit").attr("disabled","disabled")})});

    Hope this helps…

    Thread Starter pronuc


    Worked perfectly !!!
    Thank you very much.

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