Hi anant01,
There are many factors that determine the simplicity of a task. To name a few there is the user level( familiarity with WP and PHP ), user willingness to find a solution( all plugins hosted here are compatible with GNU General Public License v2, a user can view and modify the code ), time( how urgent is the solution for the user).
A redirection might sound simple, but the simplicity itself also depends on the context where the redirection is involved-takes place, ie why we should redirect, if we can avoid the redirect, if we actually need a redirect.
If a user asks for or suggests a feature and the feature is already covered by a premium version, the user will be suggested to have a look at the premium version.
If the feature is not covered at all, there are many cases where the feature is covered by an addon offered for free, GitHub is a good place with tons of such examples.
Regarding your question, what is the redirect you are trying to do?
Kind regards,