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  • I updated to 2.0.4 but still having some problems with some widgets.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi



    The overflow is not caused by the plugin itself. It’s just a CSS issue due to your theme that forces the boxes height with the following CSS rule:

    #pgc-5-2-0, #pgc-5-2-1, #pgc-5-2-2 {
    height: 350px;

    Just change 350px to 400ox ant it will be fine, or alternatively adjust your contents so that it spans less vertical space.
    Note: I checked the Google cached version of your site and those boxes had totally different contents 2 days ago, so I think it’s a coincidence that they were messed up when you updated the plugin. They have been overflowing because the content changed.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi



    The 2.0 version has been totally reengineered to provide several benefits, most of which are not directly perceptible by the final users (see changelog for details).
    Even if the new release has been tested for a long time and in many environments before releasing, since it can be used in so many different situations, it’s practically impossible to test every single combination of plugin/themes in the WP world.
    I just want to point out that all the issues about v2.0 reported up to now were not caused by bugs in the plugin itself, but they were compatibility issues related to new features.
    By the way, the new version already counts ~10.000 downlads in less than one day, and only 7-8 users reported problems, which is less than 0.1%, I have to say that is not so bad. Anyway I’m trying to help anyone who’s having issues.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi



    Please could you explain better which problems are you having? Could you provide a link to your website and/or a copy of the HTML content of your problematic widgets? Also please check our FAQ.


    I didn’t mean you made a bad work but I can say you that many people had great problem because your plugin is shared with some theme’s packages so people reported to theme’s author first as I did.
    In any case, if my previous post seemed offensive I apologize and say again that you have given a very good support.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi



    Don’t worry, I wasn’t offended, I just wanted to provide some clarification that may be overlooked at first sight by the end-users. Anyway I’m sorry for any trouble the update may have caused to you or other people.

    Grazie mille Marco, non era neanche mia intenzione! Il tuo plugin è davvero molto utile.
    For non italian readers: Thank you very much Marco, it wasn’t my intention too! Your plugin is very useful for me.

    The three boxes are using a shortcode & worked great before I updated yesterday. Not only is it overflowing but the hover effect is not working right. please see example on the theme designers site.

    Scroll down to Icon Box Links section.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    @mwilson1750 Could you post a sample of the source code of one of this widget (HTML + shortcodes)?

    ///Icon box source code///

    [iconbox icon=”icon-cart2″ iconsize=”50px” link=”” color=”#0055a5″ background=”#ffffff” hcolor=”#ffffff” hbackground=”#0055a5″]
    <h4>Online Registration</h4>
    Registering your vehicle online or with your mobile device?is a piece of cake! InstantTagz is with you when and where you need us.
    <p style=”text-align: center;”>[btn text=”Get Started” tcolor=”#ffffff” bcolor=”#00b524″ link=””%5D</p&gt;

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi



    I was able to reproduce your issue and I’m working on a possible general fix. The problem arises because WordPress manipulates <p> tags, by automatically removing them when saving a content and adding them back when displaying the same content adding (see wpautop). The old versions of the plugin had a different behavior: <p> tags were automatically added when switching from visual to html mode or when saving a widget in visual mode, while the display of the widget was not affected.
    The new version of the plugin indeed adopts the standard WP behavior described above. This change has no consequences for anyone using only Visual mode of the plugin, but unfortunately it may affect widgets edited in html mode that do not have <p>’s already applied (that is your case). In the previous version this limitation could be bypassed by simply never switching to visual mode. You may see that if you put your code in a BSTW 1.4.x widget and you switch to visual mode <p>’s are added with the same final result of the current version, so the secret was exactly to never switch to visual. On the other hand if you can’t switch to visual because you don’t want <p>’s in your widgets, there’s no real advantage compared with WP default text widgets.

    After this long introduction, here are the possible solutions:

    1. You may try the dev version that should fix this problem. I want to do some more tests before releasing it, but it should be complete and stable. This new version adds a new option that allows you to not applly wpautop to the widget, just like the WP Text widgets. It also recognizes widgets created with previous versions of the plugin and it tries to apply the correct behavior. You may download it from here (click the download ZIP on the right).

    2. You may use the code snippet described at the end of this topic to remove the application of the wpautop (this applies to all widget instances).

    3. You may use default WP Text widgets (just copy and paste your code). Ensure to not select the option ‘Automatically add paragraphs’.

    I tried the dev version and got this error

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare bstw() (previously declared in /home/myhost/public_html/wp-content/plugins/black-studio-tinymce-widget/black-studio-tinymce-widget.php:234) in /home/myhost/public_html/wp-content/plugins/black-studio-tinymce-widget-feature-wpautop/black-studio-tinymce-widget.php on line 235

    Option 2 worked for me.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    Sorry, I didn’t specify that you should have removed the current version before installing the dev version.

    Would I lose all my content if I remove the current version?

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