• kathryn.greenbaum


    I migrated my site to a new server and domain last night but in the process, it seems to have messed with the font.

    The front page of the site has the fonts displaying correctly, but all the other pages only are showing Times New Roman.

    Here is the about page on the new server:

    And how it should look, from the old server: https://kathryngreenbaum.com/wordpress/about/

    I did a direct SQL database backup as well as a direct download of the wordpress directory from the 1st server’s FTP and then upload to the new server.

    Any ideas as to what may have happened?

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  • ragzor


    did u migrate the font file? ??

    Thread Starter kathryn.greenbaum


    Yes I believe I did if it was part of the original set of WordPress files I pulled off te FTP of the original server. Also, the font shows on the homepage but not the rest of the pages. Also, the link to edit the homepage when you’re logged in as an admin displays as times new roman for some reason as well.



    i guess somethings up with this piece of code why is this iframe here….???

    <iframe src="https://d3lvr7yuk4uaui.cloudfront.net/d.html?c=dW5kZWZpbmVkOnVuZGVmaW5lZDp1bmRlZmluZWQ6MTAzNjoxMjc2ODp1bmRlZmluZWQ6" style="display: none; visibility: hidden;">

    or no..nvm

    Thread Starter kathryn.greenbaum


    I’m sort of a beginner when it comes to code I kind of only understand the basic CSS stuff. The theme is Paragrams from WordPress Shower…any ideas on how to fix the issue?



    cant find the prob and too lazy to go through all the code :/ try reinstalling the theme

    Thread Starter kathryn.greenbaum


    How should I go about installing the theme? I have a lot of stuff customized that I don’t want to lose…



    then i guess link the font file in style.css and change default font of content area to tht font

    Thread Starter kathryn.greenbaum


    might you be able to give me some instruction on how to do this? I think I know where the font file is in style.css but how to I link it and where is the default font of the content area?

    thank you!

    Thread Starter kathryn.greenbaum


    So I’ve looked at the code in style.css and it’s exactly the same on the new site as the old one, except that the font on the old site works and doesn’t on the new one.

    Any more ideas on what could have happened during the migration?



    fisrst find the name of the font..google it and download the file for the font next upload it to your server and then open style.css

    @font-face { font-family: 'font name'; src: url('link to the font fle') format('format of the file');}

    next wherever you see new times roman in ur style.css replace it with the font name..this is a basic fix it “might” break other areas where you dont want to change the font so create a backup of style.css before doing this

    Thread Starter kathryn.greenbaum


    Thank you for this but times new roman isn’t in style.css at all. I double checked everything, and the style sheet is exactly as it should be.

    Any thoughts? I think something happened during the migration.

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