• After my first post about the plugin (facebook) I get the other one. I get now after publice:

    Posted to Knipsel Krant Curacao’s Facebook Timeline

    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”(#3502) Object at URL https://www.knipselkrantcuracao.com/de-kater-van-fort-amsterdam/ has og:type of ‘website’. The property ‘article’ requires an object of og:type ‘article’. (http response code: 404)”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    Posted to Knipsel Krant Curacao’s Facebook Timeline

    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Could not retrieve data from URL.”,”type”:”Exception”}

    end error—————————————–

    When I look on the facebook site the artikkel is there.
    But for how long to get rit of those errors????


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  • Thread Starter black lion


    Oke now I get some :
    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Could not retrieve data from URL.”,”type”:”Exception”}


    {“appid”:”497803610236835″,”version”:”1.0.2″,”domain”:”www.knipselkrantcuracao.com”,”social_publisher”:{“enabled”:”true”,”publish_to_authors_facebook_timeline”:”true”,”publish_to_fan_page”:{“page_name”:”Knipsel Krant Curacao”,”page_id”:”166397343397778″},”mentions_position”:”bottom”},”recommendations_bar”:{“trigger”:”50″,”read_time”:”20″,”action”:”like”,”side”:”right”,”show_on”:”all posts and pages”},”subscribe”:{“layout”:”standard”,”width”:”450″,”colorscheme”:”light”,”font”:”lucida grande”,”position”:”bottom”,”show_on”:”all posts”},”comments”:{“num_posts”:”20″,”width”:”470″,”colorscheme”:”light”,”show_on”:”all posts and pages”,”homepage_comments”:”true”},”send”:{“colorscheme”:”light”,”font”:”lucida grande”,”position”:”bottom”,”show_on”:”all posts”},”wp_ver”:”3.4.1″}

    I use only: Social Publisher and Subscrbe. No more.

    This is for a Newspaper so I haven a input of 30 to 50 artickels a day. But if i always have to look to and facebook and the fan-site to see it is YES or NOT there it will take double time for me. If the article is not there i have to go to the artickel and push it by hand (other share) to the fabook account.

    Please help us out.

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