After 2.08 update, menu nav user role restriction stop recognizing Subscriber
Just updated to 2.08 and now the menu nav stop showing menu items restricted to Subscriber user role. Deactivated all plugins to troubleshoot to no avail. This happened to 2 sites so I’m sure it’s 2.08 causing the problem. Please help. Thank you.
My site is still localhosted so sorry.
Are you able to replicate this on an online site so we can have a look at it?
Hi Calum,
Sorry for the delay.
I dug a bit deeper and found something new then trying to find out what’s the casue of the problem to no avail. This is what I found out so far.
I have 2 plugins that create 2 different user roles- WooCommerce Subscription creates Subscriber and WP Job Manager creates Employer user role.
After an user signs up for WP Job Manager and becomes an Employer, all menu tabs restricted to Employer role showed up properly based on the menu user role restrictions i set at backend Menu.
After I creat a standard WP Subscriber user from the admin / all users / add new, each menu nav tab also behaves properly based on the menu user role restrictions i set at backend Menu.
Only after an user signs up for WooCommerce Subscription and becomes a Subscriber, all menu tabs restricted to Subscriber stops showing up on menu van. But on admin / all users, the user already shows a Subscriber role with an active membership. I also noticed when this new subscriber goes to his profile page, the little wheel next to his gravatar where he can get to his Account / edit profile / log out does not appear either. That lead me into thinking the problem may arise from UM can’t recognize the Subscriber “cue” from WooCommerce Subscription.
I was able to create a demo site where I installed only UM and WC Subscription. Please take a look.You need to login their server to see the demo site. Go to
user name: ultimate
password: umpasswordThen if you need to sign up a WC Subscription plan to become a Subscriber to see how the menu nav behaves, just sign up the plan on that “Shop” page.
I restricted Page 1 and Page 2 top menu tabs to Subscriber only so you won’t see them on menu nav when first getting to that page.
Thank you.
Best not to share login details onto public forum so would suggest contacting us via here: we can add this to our helpdesk system and help you with this issue.
I have not heard anything form you since submitting my ticket via the Help Desk page you referred me to, so here is the only venue I have got to update you with my new fidning.
Today I accidentally discovered if I just manually changed any setting in Ultimate Member / User Roles / Subscriber, then the issue immediately went away, and all things behave correctly on frontend, which means
a) all top menu nav tabs restricted to Subscriber showed up,
b) the nav wheel icon next to the signed-in user’s profile gravatar from which he can go to My Account, Edit Profile or Logout also appeared, and
c) the admin bar on frontend disappeared.The settings I changed in my testing included
uncheck “Force hiding adminbar in frontend”
uncheck “Can view other member profiles?” and
changing “Can view these user roles only” from Subscriber to Admin.And after I restored these settings back to their original state, all things on frontend remianed normal.
Needlessly to say this manual effort won’t work since all my subscribers come form users registering via WooCommerce Subscription.
I have no idea if this finding would help anything but I thought I would / should share.
I updated to 2.0.10 that I received today but that did not address my issue.
I certainly hope your people are working on this issue.
Thank you.
UM 2.0.11 did not solve this problem. The problem remains.
Hi there,
After reading your reply to my ticket via your private ticketing system, and since it took you 11 day’s plus my 2 reminders here on this forum that your 2 updates did not address my issue to reply to my ticket, I realized it is only crucial that I refer you back to this thread so I won’t continue to drain your valuable time and effort unnecessarily.
In your reply, you kindly illustrated via a video how you proved there’s nothing wrong with my site and the issue described in all the previous messages in this thread does not exist.
You proved that after you logged in as a new user with a Subscriber role that you created, the two menu tabs that are restricted to Subscriber role showed up immediately.
That Subscriber user you created was obviously created from the backend Admin / all users / add new, not through signing up a WooCommerce membership subscription product that i created specifically for your testing.
In my second message in this thead, I clearly described in details that this issue only occurred when the subscriber user came from signing up a WC subscription membership plan. Here’s the exact wording,
“Only after an user signs up for WooCommerce Subscription and becomes a Subscriber, all menu tabs restricted to Subscriber stops showing up on menu nav. But on admin / all users, the user already shows a Subscriber role with an active membership. I also noticed when this new subscriber goes to his profile page, the little wheel next to his gravatar where he can get to his Account / edit profile / log out does not appear either. That lead me into thinking the problem may arise from UM can’t recognize the Subscriber “cue” from WooCommerce Subscription.”
In that same message, I also mentioned I created a test site for you to troubleshoot (and the site url is which is the WC Shop page for you to sign up the WC Subscription plan to troubleshoot) and
“I restricted Page 1 and Page 2 top menu tabs to Subscriber only so you won’t see them on menu nav when first getting to that page.”
It’s interesting that you read this restricted Page 1 and Page 2 part but mysteriously missed the WooCommerce part.
I took me a whole day to discover this possible UM / WC conflict.
In my 3rd message, I aslo describebbd what’s wrong when a WooCommerce membership Subscriber user logs in. The following are what should take place when such an user logs in but does not:
a) all top menu nav tabs restricted to Subscriber shows up,
b) the nav wheel icon next to such signed-in user’s profile gravatar from which he can go to My Account, Edit Profile or Logout also appears, and
c) the admin bar on frontend disappears.These are the problems that need to be addressed.
Last year, my business partner purchased your WooCommerce extension after you released 2.o on your website, and he reported huge disappointment to me after the extension not working right out of the box and your support leaving him in the dark for an extended peroid of time and even when your developer did respond, the deveolper was never able to fix the problem. He eventually refunded the purchase.
I had great respect for the original UM and found it a far superior profile plugin that others I’ve tried. But from all I’ve experienced thus far, it appears UM may be experiencing difficulty coping with the major 2.0 update, at least when it concerns WooCommerce Subscription.
I understand it is tough when you have to make a fundamental change from the ground up to the plugin and I admired your effort to take such a huge step.
However, it is fortunate that my site is still under construction. If it were an active live site, I can’t even imagine what a nightmare it would have become.
If UM is already clear at this point that it cannot resolve issue with WC and it’s still an otherwise fine plugin, maybe it’s crucial to let it be known to the community so that people know what to expect, and, in my case, what not to, and plan accordingly. As disappointung as it may be, it is the right thing to do and understandable considering what a big change 2.0 is to the plugin.
But if it is a solvable issue, intelligent troubleshooting is what the doctor ordered. Anything lesser is a waste of time and resources.
If you’ll choose to reply, please reply to this thread (vs, your ticketing system) since I’m not your paying customer and I don’t intend to crowd that channel that are menat for your paying users.
Thank you
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by
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