Hi @cedarteeth,
Thanks for reaching out.
We recommend creating a custom exploration to view data on affiliate link clicks.
To get started, please go to analytics.google.com ? Explore and create a Blank exploration.
Here’s our recommendation of what dimensions and metrics to use under the Variables tab…
- Is affiliate link
- Link text
- Page title
- Event name
- Affiliate label
Once you’ve imported these dimensions and metrics, you’ll then organize it in this way under the Tab Settings…
The row of the report will be Link text, Affiliate label, and Page title
The values of the report will be Event count
A filter for the report will be Is affiliate link exactly matches true
Another filter will be Event name exactly matches click
You’re welcome to experiment with different dimensions or metrics as needed.
For a step-by-step of how to do the above, or to learn more about custom reports in general, please see our guide here: https://www.monsterinsights.com/how-to-create-google-analytics-4-custom-reports-step-by-step/.
I hope this helps, but let me know if you have further questions.