• Hi,

    I have a problem to integrate my AdWords Conversion Tracking Code in the different forms on my website.

    I found the field “Form action attributes:” like it was described by the plugin author here, but when I put in my code there and save it, the code will be removed???

    Here is an example of my AdWords conversion trackcing code:

    <!-- Google Code for Kontaktformular Conversion Page -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    /* <![CDATA[ */
    var google_conversion_id = xxxxxxxxx;
    var google_conversion_language = "de";
    var google_conversion_format = "3";
    var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";
    var google_conversion_label = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx";
    var google_conversion_value = 1;
    var google_remarketing_only = false;
    /* ]]> */
    <script type="text/javascript" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion.js">
    <div style="display:inline;">
    <img height="1" width="1" style="border-style:none;" alt="" src="//www.googleadservices.com/pagead/conversion/1056217994/?value=1&label=AbVTCO6dtQYQirfS9wM&guid=ON&script=0"/>

    Hopefully somebody have an idea you to use this kind of code exactly with in the corresponding setting field.

    Kind regards Andy


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  • Thread Starter s10


    Hi out there,

    I don′t think that I am the only one who have multiple forms on a website and needs an AdWords Conversion Tracking Code to be integrated???

    Somebody can help me with an idea?

    Kind regards

    This is a BIG problem. It’s rediculous that I spent 3 hours on the phone with Google Adwords, and they have no idea how to make their conversion tracking code work on any WordPress site. I would really like to be able to add it to this plugin somehow. I see that the plugin author keeps responding that we should create a “thank you” page and put the code on it. But the code does not work on WordPress pages, so that doesn’t help.

    Please tell us how to ad the Google Coversion Tracking code to the plugin “thank you” page – and don’t just tell us to create a new wordpress page to add it to.

    @robpsyd: It is considered impolite to interrupt another poster’s ongoing thread unless you are posting a solution or suggestion. It causes significant problems for the forum’s volunteers and prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Please post your own topic.

    Thread Starter s10


    No problem guys,

    I am happy that it seems that I am not alone with my problem. I have an solution to implement the tracking code in the corresponding PHP-thank-you-template and even posted the solution in my blog. But this solution is a little bit older and I don′t know if it still works. Furthermore I am not sure if this solution is good for updating – I don′t think so.

    Another workaround could be to make an Google event tracking in the “form attributes field” what should work like the plugin authors description. Than you can make in Analytics out of the “Event” a “Conversion Goal”. This conversion goal you can import afterwards in the AdWords Conversion Tracking Dashboard.

    I could manage to integrated the AdWords Conversion Tracking Codes in different forms in the old system of this customer: in Joomla with a form plugin that I don′t knew and it is working. So I can not believe that in “my” system WordPress with the form plugin that I always using, it is not possible to do so same?

    So I am still open for good suggestions to solve this problem ??

    Kind regards, Andy

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