• Hey Everyone, I’m looking to put up directory website for higher education institutions. I’m hoping someone with better knowledge of WordPress and its capabilities could direct me to the best way to structure and design the site. Below is what I was thinking and how I’d like the site to function.

    I’m planning on creating a custom post type called ‘schools’ and creating a few custom taxonomies to help index these schools (which are posts). Taxonomies would include School Format (Online vs Traditional), School Type (2 year, 4 year, Public, Private, For-Profit), School Size (S, M, L) and School Location (City, Urban, Town, Rural) as well as few others.

    I’d like to be able to offer the user a way to search thru the listings for a school that fits their criteria; large, traditional, 4 year, public, city college. It pulls up a page displays all the schools (which is a custom post type). Click on a post takes it to a single page.

    I’m hoping the URLs can be somewhat friendly like https://www.site.com/schools/new-york-university or https://www.site.com/online-schools/university-of-phoenix.

    I’d be very appreciative someone wants to share their input.


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