Hi @minty02, thanks for reaching WCMp Support!!
Our replies are inline :
– I want a multi vendor platform, where vendors can sell time slots (e.g. a coaching). So I would need a booking function. Could I somehow integrate that?
>> Our core plugin WC Marketplace lets the vendor sell Simple / Variable products. However, in order to let the vendor sell time slot, you may install our add-on WCMp Advanced Frontend Manager (https://wc-marketplace.com/product/wcmp-frontend-manager/). This plugin is compatible with WooCommerce Booking plugin, hence vendor can define time slots. You can check the same on our demo site: https://demo.dualcube.com/wordpress/wp1018/my-account
– Ideally, the buyer would pay the vendor directly (no payment handling) and the vendor pays me a fee.
>> As per the default flow of WC Marketplace, the admin of the site will receive the whole money paid by the customer. Now, WC Marketplace calculates the admin’s fee and send the rest of the money to the vendor automatically (via PayPal / Stripe)
However, we are currently working on the integration of PayPal for Marketplace into WCMp, so that vendor and admin will get paid as soon as the customer will pay for the order.