• Tyguy7


    I’ve developed a plugin for my current employer that allows us to add advanced filtering of product categories in the sidebar area. It is similar to the google shopping sidebar, or any advanced filter that you’d see on an e-commerce site. ex: Ebay, HomeDepot.com, Amazon… This plugin will allow you to build your own advanced product filters.


    For each category, we can ping the products for attributes and custom fields, and then generate an appropriate sidebar based upon the product set. We currently have code for dual sliders(min/max range), checkboxes, and nested menus that activate on a mouse click. This allows customers to filter the product set by price, dimensions, brands, colors, sizes, special features, and other properties. The filter loads results via ajax.

    On the admin side, the filters are fully customizable with a drag and drop interface. It also provides statistics for each category, helping to complete product attributes and custom fields that might be missing.

    I was wondering if anyone else would be interested in these kind of features. Should I develop this into a distributable plugin? How many other people could benefit from this? How much would you be willing to pay for this plugin?


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  • remy.raizen



    The plugin would be tremendously useful for a number of possible e-commerce clients, and is currently missing from WooCommerce’s functionality. This would be very helpful in sorting products with a variation of brands, sizes, colors, etc. One possible niggle that could affect the flow of the user’s shopping experience is how the shop page refresh is handled, as ideally the filters should apply only to the products currently being viewed and not reload the entire page.

    It’s something that I would definitely use as well, so let me know when you follow through with it. I’m very excited to see what comes of this.



    As for price I believe WooCommerce has a somewhat standard pricing — most I’ve seen are $25/1 license, $50/5 licenses, $99/unlimited. I would likely purchase either the $50 if it was worth trying out (which it sounds like it is), and $99 if it looked awesome (which it very well could be).



    This isn’t a whole lot different from the layered nav widgets that come built-in to woocommerce. Granted, this does look a lot sleeker, and with the extensions that are on there already – I’d say you could probably charge $100 for this.



    Just did a quick check/read, so I am not totaly sure about one thing;
    IF I could add X amount of sliders with different min-max values I would pay easy 100$ for 1 site.
    But thats me and might be a tad steep for many others.

    Personally this is a “must” for all that sell electronic items (computers, phones, TV’s, etc.).

    This is actually a function/extension that I were to contact a developer to do for my company, so I am very interested. Do you have a site I can sign up at so I get a headsup when you are done?



    There is a Swedish pricechecking site that has an amazing searchsystem;

    It is in Swedish, but you get the idea.
    Right above were the products are start to show, there is a button named;
    [Fler s?kkreterier] (<more searchcriteria)

    click that.

    Their system also has different searchpages depending on productgroup.
    The link above is for computers, this bellow is for DSLR cameras;

    And this is for bicycles;

    Thread Starter Tyguy7


    Thank you everyone for your responses! I’ll keep this thread going if I start to develop a public version. It looks like it might be worth the extra effort if enough people are interested

    Yes indeed..and i would also need that kinda plugin as phone model search filter for my site cellularism.com. I guess there is lot of other blogger also who is waiting for that kinda tool… look for this comprehensive set of filters here for instance. cool stuff!


    Your mock up looks better, but apart from the sliders on other items apart from price, it does not do that much more than the current layered nav system. You can spend $29 now on pimping up the current layered nav with ajax, so your price should be about this, maybe up to $50.

    I use this https://codecanyon.net/item/widget-ninja/253159?WT.ac=search_thumb&WT.seg_1=search_thumb&WT.z_author=WebFactory i create one layered nav for my whole site and then switch on off lyered nav as needed


    Hi Tyguy7,

    Have you made any progress?

    I have been searching for something like this for weeks. I’d definitely be interested in purchasing it if it has been released. I’d probably pay around $100 for a developer license for this type of plugin.

    I would like to add that I have found numerous postings on job boards such as Elance from people looking for this type of functionality. This means there is a big market out there.

    Good luck!

    Thank you,


    I am also interested, this looks very nice!
    I think a lot of plugins which extend the core functionality of Woocommerce are a bit overpriced. I hate to pay 50 for each plugin extention and i need a lot since the default woocommerce does not support a lot of great widgets..
    If it was 25 i would buy it immediatly.

    The last few hours i’ve been looking for something like this. Found a LOT of WordPress plugins that compared prices or just items.

    Sell this for a fair price and i’m a buyer!

    Until this plugin is ready you can use the atributes and “woocommerce layered nav” widget to achieve this kind of filters.


    You can chain multiple filters and even combine them with the price slider filter.

    How do you chain multiple filters with “woocommerce layered nav”? I can’t find anything on the web on this. And since the widget only allows selecting 1 attribute for filtering I don’t see how to allow someone to do a faceted search.

    +1 for a good faceted search plugin for WooCommerce attributes.

    I’m looking for a product filter for my jewellery websites.I’m willing to pay $25.Contact me if you want to sell.

    I’ve been trying to make the Woocommerce layered nav widget work with product attributes without success. I’d be interested in a product filter, too. I can’t pay a lot since my business is not even yet off the ground but I’d be willing to pay something…

    Is it ready for prime time? With Woocommerce? Do tell!!!

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