Hi sadocs,
The ads.txt is usually a .txt file in the root directory of your site, e.g., example.com/ads.txt.
Since https://www.sadocs.co.za/ads.txt is not reachable, I assume the file is not present or a server setting somehow prevents the access to .txt files.
The Advanced Ads ads.txt option does not create a persistent file but adds your AdSense publisher ID automatically after connecting AdSense and Advanced Ads and shows a ads.txt starting with # Advanced Ads ads.txt
, making it simple to check if it is really generated by our plugin.
I then tried not to import and replace the external file (meaning that it would then not be controlled by Advanced Ads, is how I understand it), and that was the only time the URL ads.txt showed the accurate page, but the warning on AdSense and Advanced Ads never left, even after a few days.
Correct, I then suggest creating a persistent file again inheriting your AdSense publisher ID as required and don’t use the Advanced Ads implementation or reaching out to your hosting provider trying to figure out what is blocking the implementation in the first place.
If there is a reachable ads.txt file on your page, the message will go away, but it also might take a few more days. Please note that if you have more than one page connected to your AdSense account, this message can also be triggered by another site not having a ads.txt file already.
Best regards,