Adsense Auto Ads Not Showing
I updated my Adsense account about 12 hours ago to use Auto-Ads.
I have had ad-inserter on my site with 2 code blocks for several months and it’s been working ok, however I’m not sure from your documentation what the problem is, but no ads are showing on the site.
When I display labels, the header shows my Adsense Auto-Ads code correctly, I see all the ad block locations in Blue throughout the page, but none in Green or Red as your documentation leads me to expect. I am not sure if this is a theme/settings problem, or if it’s just Adsense not yet displaying ads, although I would expect to see blank spaces in the post and Green if that was the case.
The debug output also says:
which makes me think it’s not selected any blocks.
I tried resetting the settings and then adding the Adsense header code again, but no success.
Any thoughts? Not really sure what I am doing wrong, although it’s probably something dumb!
The debug log is below:
<!-- Ad Inserter 2.3.7 INSTALLED: 2017-11-16 16:20:10 (0000-04-21 03:20:20, 141 days) GENERATED (WP time): 2018-04-06 19:40:30 GENERATED (Server time): 2018-04-06 18:40:30 PLUGIN CODE PROCESSING: 22.71 ms USER CODE PROCESSING: 0.00 ms TOTAL PROCESSING TIME: 22.71 ms SETTINGS: 2.3.7 SETTINGS TIMESTAMP: 2018-04-06 19:29:19 SETTINGS EXTRACT: YES MULTISITE: NO USER: LOGGED-IN ADMINISTRATOR USERNAME: xxxxxx USER ROLES: administrator MIN.USER FOR EXCEPTIONS: administrator PAGE TYPE: POST ID: 3057 POST TYPE: post CATEGORIES: Travel (travel) TAGS: arrecife (arrecife), canary islands (canary-islands), grape vines (grape-vines), lanzarote (lanzarote), lanzarote weather (lanzarote-weather), lava (lava), vineyards (vineyards), volcanoes (volcanoes) TAXONOMIES: category:travel, post_tag:arrecife, post_tag:canary-islands, post_tag:grape-vines, post_tag:lanzarote, post_tag:lanzarote-weather, post_tag:lava, post_tag:vineyards, post_tag:volcanoes POST META: _s2_digest_post_status:done, _edit_lock:1522738890:3, _edit_last:3, tc-thumb-fld:a:2:{s:9:"_thumb_id";i:3115;s:11:"_thumb_type";s:10:"attachment";}, _s2mail:yes, layout_key:, post_slider_check_key:0, _at_widget:1, _yoast_wpseo_focuskw_text_input:Lanzarote, _yoast_wpseo_focuskw:Lanzarote, _yoast_wpseo_linkdex:81, _yoast_wpseo_content_score:30, _yoast_wpseo_primary_category:33 AMP PAGE: NO URL: /2018/03/february-2018-in-lanzarote-part-two/ REFERER: ( CLIENT-SIDE DETECTION: NOT USED CLIENT-SIDE INSERTION: NOT USED VIEWPORT 1: Desktop min width 980 px VIEWPORT 2: Tablet min width 768 px VIEWPORT 3: Phone min width 0 px SERVER-SIDE DETECTION: NOT USED BLOCK CLASS NAME: code-block INLINE STYLES: ENABLED DYNAMIC BLOCKS: Server-side PARAGRAPH COUNTING: Standard NO PAR. COUNTING INSIDE: blockquote, figure, li OUTPUT BUFFERING: Disabled AD LABEL: Advertisements PLUGIN PRIORITY: 99999 HEADER CODE: ENABLED FOOTER CODE: DISABLED AD BLOCKING DETECTION: DISABLED BLOCK SETTINGS Po Pa Hp Cp Ap Sp AM Aj Fe 404 Wi Sh PHP TOTAL BLOCKS BLOCKS FOR THIS PAGE TYPE TIME EVENT ====================================== 0 INITIALIZATION START 2 LOAD SETTINGS START 0 LOAD OPTIONS START 0 LOAD OPTIONS END 14 LOAD SETTINGS END 0 INITIALIZATION END 261 WP HOOK START 0 WP HOOK END 86 HEAD HOOK START 0 HEAD HOOK END 27 BEFORE POST HOOK START 0 BEFORE POST HOOK END 44 CONTENT HOOK START [1] 2 CONTENT HOOK END 4 AFTER POST HOOK START 0 AFTER POST HOOK END 33 EXCERPT HOOK START [1] 0 EXCERPT HOOK END 28 CONTENT HOOK START [2] 0 CONTENT HOOK END 4 EXCERPT HOOK START [2] 0 EXCERPT HOOK END 17 EXCERPT HOOK START [3] 0 EXCERPT HOOK END 17 CONTENT HOOK START [3] 0 CONTENT HOOK END 4 EXCERPT HOOK START [4] 0 EXCERPT HOOK END 75 FOOTER HOOK START 0 FOOTER HOOK END 0 FOOTER HOOK START 0 FOOTER HOOK END INSERTION SUMMARY ====================================== PHP: 5.5.36 Memory Limit: 256M Upload Max Filesize: 128M Post Max Size: 128M Max Execution Time: 300 Max Input Vars: 1000 Display Errors: E_ALL|E_STRICT cURL: ENABLED fsockopen: ENABLED DOMDocument: YES Wordpress: 4.9.5 Current Theme: Customizr 4.1.2 A INSTALLED PLUGINS ====================================== * Ad Inserter 2.3.7 * Akismet Anti-Spam 4.0.3 * Anti Feed-Scraper Message 0.9.3 * BackUpWordPress 3.6.4 * BulletProof Security Pro 13.4.1 * CommentLuv 2.94.7 * Cookie Law Info 1.5.3 Duplicator 1.2.34 * Feedzy RSS Feeds Lite 3.2.10 * Google Analytics 2.1.3 Hyper Cache 3.3.5 Infolinks Official Plugin 3.2.2 * Lexi 1.1 * List Pages Shortcode 1.7.4 * Media Library Assistant 2.72 * minimax 0.3.7 * Official StatCounter Plugin 2.0.6 * Share Buttons by AddThis 6.1.2 * Smart Youtube PRO 4.3 * Subscribe2 10.22.1 WP-Cleanup 1.1.0 * WP-Optimize 2.2.3 * Yoast SEO 7.2 -->
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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