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  • Plugin Author datafeedr


    That’s probably because you are logged in using Firefox but not in Chrome or IE.

    You are using Super Cache and it’s caching the ads.

    You need to use the Javascript option:

    More videos here:

    Thread Starter tomglader


    Thank you!! I watched the video and found the code that I needed and deleted the cache. That appears to have been the trick! Is ‘deleting the cache’ something that I have to monitor regularly? Can/Should I remove it?

    Plugin Author datafeedr


    Caches should be deleted regularly automatically by your caching plugin.

    I’m not running a Cache plugin and having Display issues. I have two widgets in my side bar. Half the time it loads the ads and half the time it doesn’t. Not really sure why it’s having random issues.

    Sometimes both load, sometimes just the top or just the bottom and others none will load. That bad this is I get a broken image link if it fails.

    I removed the Java option and it seems to be working now. I was getting this error.

    [blocked] The page at [ ] was loaded over HTTPS, but ran insecure content from [ ] this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.

    Plugin Author datafeedr


    @furor6933 It’s best if you start a new support thread for your question instead of confusing the current thread. Also, it’s best if you supply the url of the page in which the ads should be displaying as well as the current ad code you are using to display ads. It’s impossible to give you support without a lot more info.

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