Hi postrboy,
Thanks for reaching out.
The BuddyBoss integration is a feature of Advanced Ads Pro. You can find a dedicated placement in the current version that lets you choose after which element you want to inject into the streams.
This week, we will release a major update of Advanced Ads Pro that includes a massive improvement for the BuddyBoss integration. You will be able to choose different streams (members, groups, activity), and Advanced Ads automatically detects the existing groups and let you choose from them for better ad targeting. Also, you can find a visitor condition to target ads by BuddyBoss profile information.
Please, keep in mind that the forums on www.remarpro.com are only for the plugins hosted here. If you have any further questions about Advanced Ads Pro, I want kindly ask you to reach out to our support.
Thanks for understanding, and we hopefully meet there.
Best regards,