Hi William,
> Earnings at risk – You need to fix some ads.txt file issues to avoid severe impact to your revenue.
Your ads.txt file looks fine. You can close this warning. AdSense just needs some time to look for the file.
> Also the size of the ads are huge on my blog, can I reduce the size of them please.
You have more options to control them when you place the ads manually. If you are using responsive ads then AdSense still has control over the size. You can also use the “normal” Adsense ad type to control the sizes, but then would need to define different sizes per device so that you don’t have a small ad on desktop and a large one on mobile. Let me know if you struggle to find the appropriate options.
> Also ads are NOT showing up on all my posts?
Did you place them manually and could give me an example with a link and description of the position where you are missing an ad? Please also include a link to a version where it works.
Btw., please open a new thread per issue, if possible. It allows users in the future to find threads that might help them.
Best regards,