@coadr93 , yes. The Anonymous Fox toolkit has a reputation for infecting WordPress and then using WHM / cPanel to jump between cPanel accounts. Although, in my experience, it can only jump to other cPanel accounts that have WordPress. I think it “lives” in WordPress, but can travel through cPanel as well as change cPanel passwords and set up and use cPanel email accounts from its home in WordPress.
Here is the WordFence writeup on the cPanel vulnerability: https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2021/06/service-vulnerabilities-shared-hosting-symlink-security-issue-still-widely-exploited-on-unpatched-servers/
I am surprised you don’t see suspicious files. Do you have a plugin that identifies suspicious files? For me, Anonymous Fox always started with extraneous plugins, zip files, and php files.
We had five affected sites. We had to rebuild four of them, and managed to save one. Out of 250 websites, no static/hand-coded site or associated cPanel was affected. Just WordPress. After rebuilding/cleaning the sites and adding a different firewall/security plugin, we have had no problems. Can’t tell if we are better protected or if the hacker just moved on to the next server.