Admin site hang
MLA takes a long long long long long time to completed bulk edit, and in the meanwhile the admin area cannot be accessed!
Thanks for your post. Yes, it’s true – MLA takes a long time to process bulk edits and bulk updates for IPTC/EXIF and custom field mapping as well.
I have looked into this several times over the past two years and have not found a safe way to improve performance. MLA uses the WordPress
function, the highest-level and safest update function WordPress provides. This function does quite a bit of work, updating the database and maintaining cached copies of the information for use by other WordPress functions.The bulk update function also allows changes to taxonomy term assignments, custom fields and fields like ALT Text that are not stored in the
table. All of these updates are made with high-level WordPress functions to ensure that the changes are reflected in caches, etc. MLA does compare the proposed update(s) with the current values and only updates fields that have actually changed.I have experimented with lower-level approaches, such as using the
class for more direct SQL queries, but I am wary of any approach that might miss some of the logic and side effects WordPress has, not to mention the burden of tracking changes in the WordPress logic from release to release.I will have another look at this area, and I welcome any suggestions from MLA users on techniques I can adopt to make this better. Thanks for raising the issue and for your interest in the plugin.
If it takes a long time to complete is not an issue for me.
The real problem is that the connection falls into a timeout, so I have to check again the missing processed files and restart the job for the remaining ones.
I think that a simple solution maybe to keep the user informed about the process status by an ajax call which update a simple progress bar. So you can keep the connection alive too.
Is it possibile?
Thank you very much,
AntonioPS : your plugin is the best for its category!
Thank you for the additional information and for your positive feedback on the plugin.
I agree that the timeout behavior is annoying and an Ajax approach of some kind with progress reports and perhaps a “Cancel” option would be a big improvement.
I am just completing a new version of the plugin and don’t want to hold it up for the time it would take to add those features. I will, however, work on it for the release after that.
I will leave this topic unresolved while I work on this issue and I will post my progress when I have it. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
Thank you very much, I’ll wait for the new implementation.
AntonioI have just created a new Development Version with a first draft of my Ajax-powered Bulk Edit enhancements. I would be very grateful if you could download it to your site and give it a try. Any feedback you can give me would help; I will be working on an equivalent enhancement to the “Map All” functions on the Settings/Media library Assistant Custom Fields and IPTC/EXIF tabs.
The new version breaks your Bulk Edit requests into “chunks”, submits them via Ajax and shows the progress of the overall operation. The entertainment value of the display is not to be underestimated…
You can adjust the “chunk” size on the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab. Look for “Bulk Chunk Size” in the “Table Defaults” section.
On my test system, adding or removing an Att. Tag value from 131 items with a chunk size of 5 took 1:25, :55 at size = 10, :36 at size = 20 and :25 at size = 40. The default size is now 25.
Thanks for inspiring this new feature, for your help is testing it and for your interest in the plugin.
Thank you vey much for your assistance and your effort!!!
Unfortunately I cannot install a developement release because our site is a production environment, and I cannot assume the risk to break it.
When did you plan to release it officially?
Thank you again!
Thanks for your update. I understand your reservations about installing the Development Version on a production site.
It will be at least two or three weeks until I can finish my development and release an updated version to production. I have other changes to make and I also want WordPress 4.1 out and stable so I can ensure my plugin is compatible with it.
Thank you for your understanding and your patience while I keep working away. I will post an update here when I have progress to report.
Thank you again!
I have released MLA version 2.00, which includes “Ajax-powered” support for the Bulk Edit area and the Custom Field and IPTC/EXIF bulk mapping functions. I hope the new features give you an improvement in your admin experience.
I am marking this topic resolved, but please update it if you have any trouble with the new features. Thank you for inspiring a significant improvement in these MLA features.
Hi, thank you very much for the upgrade, now it doesn’t hang the admin site, but there is another issue : the ajax engine does never update the GUI, I see the changes only at the end of the batch edit processing.
Thank you,
AntonioI have got this error now:
An error has occurred. Please reload the page and try again. (error), jqXHR( 504, Gateway Time-out, <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN” “”> <html><head> <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″> <title>ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved</title> <style type=”text/css”><!– /* Stylesheet for Squid Error pages Adapted from design by Free CSS Templates Released for free under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License */ /* Page basics */ * { font-family: verdana, sans-serif; } html body { margin: 0; padding: 0; background: #ffffff; font-size: 12px; color: #1e1e1e; } /* Page displayed title area */ #titles { margin-left: 15px; padding: 10px; padding-left: 100px; background: url() no-repeat left; } /* initial title */ #titles h1 { color: #000000; } #titles h2 { color: #000000; } /* special event: FTP success page titles */ #titles ftpsuccess { background-color:#00ff00; width:100%; } /* Page displayed body content area */ #content { padding: 10px; background: #ffffff; } /* General text */ p { } /* error brief description */ #error p { } /* some data which may have caused the problem */ #data { } /* the error message received from the system or other software */ #sysmsg { } pre { font-family:sans-serif; } /* special event: FTP / Gopher directory listing */ #dirmsg { font-family: courier; color: black; font-size: 10pt; } #dirlisting { margin-left: 2%; margin-right: 2%; } #dirlisting tr.entry td.icon,td.filename,td.size, { border-bottom: groove; } #dirlisting td.size { width: 50px; text-align: right; padding-right: 5px; } /* horizontal lines */ hr { margin: 0; } /* page displayed footer area */ #footer { font-size: 9px; padding-left: 10px; } body :lang(fa) { direction: rtl; font-size: 100%; font-family: Tahoma, Roya, sans-serif; float: right; } :lang(he) { direction: rtl; } –></style> </head><body id=ERR_READ_TIMEOUT> <div id=”titles”> <h1>ERROR</h1> <h2>The requested URL could not be retrieved</h2> </div> <hr> <div id=”content”> <p>The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:</p>
<p><b>Read Timeout</b></p>
<p id=”sysmsg”>The system returned: <i>[No Error]</i></p> <p>A Timeout occurred while waiting to read data from the network. The network or server may be down or congested. Please retry your request.</p> <p>Your cache administrator is [email protected].</p> </div> <hr> <div id=”footer”> <p>Generated Wed, 07 Jan 2015 07:46:37 GMT by (http_scan_byf/3.3.1)</p> <!– ERR_READ_TIMEOUT –> </div> </body></html> )
Thank you for updating and giving the new Ajax-powered Bulk Edit a try. I regret the issues you are experiencing.
It looks like your server or network connection are slow enough to cause the “Read Timeout” errors you are having; reducing the “chunk” size may help. You can adjust the “chunk” size on the Settings/Media Library Assistant General tab. Look for “Bulk Chunk Size” in the “Table Defaults” section. Try something like 5 or 10 just to see if it helps.
When you write “ajax engine does never update the GUI“, it sounds like a browser problem. Let me know what browser you are using so I can try duplicating this issue.
How many items are you trying to update at one time? You might try an update less than your chunk size, then less than twice your chunk size to see how the status information behaves. In other words, set the chunk size to 10, then try updating 6-7 items and 12-18 items.
Thanks for your patience in working through these issues. Any additional information you can provide will be most helpful.
I set this parameter to 5 and now it works with my ISP (Aruba).
Thank you again!
AntonioPS : I’ m going to suggest you a new feature in a new post…
Thanks for your update with the good news. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help with this topic.
When I change Bulk Chunk Size within settings, to say “100”, I still am getting only “10” items per page in the assistant view. I am adding categories to thousands of images using bulk edit, and going 10 at a time is taking forever. Thank you!
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