• selzlerb


    Hello Team,

    I’ve been logging into my wordpress installation via a computer that has essentially logged into the admin account for me. I tried logging in from another computer and found that the admin password I thought I used would not work. So, this morning I logged on automatically from the original computer to check the account.

    It appeared to be what I thought it was, so I logged out and trying logging back in with what I thought was my admin account and password. Oy. Now I can’t log in as administrator at all!

    So, I guess my question is, has this happened to anyone else? And is there a way to reset the admin password from the server itself? Let me know what you think.


    – Sez

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  • I have (had) a perfectly fine blog until I reset and the promptly forgot my admin password. After trying very combination under the sun I decided to use phpMyAdmin to reset the password field (using the M5 pull down option) in the wp_users table. That all seemed to work fine on the surface but I am still locked out. Is there another way to recover, reset or circumvent the admin password? Any help would be appreciated. Shot myself in the foot pretty good this time ??
    my blog- https://www.edwardmortell.com/blog/

    So now there are three of us that have shot themselves in the foot. I was hoping to change my password immediately I logged on but was not allowed to change the password becvause of IE6’s security. So I didn’t pay enough attention to the original 6 character password code. A lesson learnt but I am still locked out.

    why can’t you click on the “forgot your password?” link and get a new one sent to your email?

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