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  • If you upgraded via dashboard auto upgrade, re-upload WP 3.0.5 files manually i.e. via FTP or cPanel

    Moderator t-p


    you may try to troubleshoot:

    -deactivating ALL plugins temporarily to narrow down and possibly fix the problem. If the problem goes away, activate them individually (one-by-one) to find the culprit.

    -switching to the default theme (“twentyten”) for a moment by renaming your current theme’s folder in wp-content/themes. The idea is to force WordPress to fall back to the default theme to rule out any theme-specific issue.

    -If the above steps do not resolve the issue, Download WordPress again and replace your copies of everything EXCEPT the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory with fresh copies. This should replace your core files without changing your content and settings in wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory.

    Thread Starter rubyfruitradio


    I deactivated all the plugins before I started the upgrade process. One of the plugins was new (podcasting plugin). So how can I just delete it since I can’t get to any panel? Just go in via FTP and delete it?

    How do I switch the default theme if I have no panel? All I have is the blank screen of death. Do I just delete all the themes except twentyten and that will force it?

    I’ve replaced all the files except config and content twice and nothing has changed. Still get the blank screen of death.

    Moderator t-p


    One of the plugins was new (podcasting plugin). So how can I just delete it since I can’t get to any panel? Just go in via FTP and delete it?

    If you don’t have access to your admin area, try deactivating them manually via FTP or phpMyAdmin.

    How do I switch the default theme if I have no panel?

    If you don’t have access to your admin area, then access your server via FTP or SFTP or whatever file management application your host provides.

    Thread Starter rubyfruitradio


    It’s not a plugin issue.
    I renamed the plugin folder to something else and the put in the default WP plugin folder. I still can’t get to the admin panel.

    As far as themes go, I deleted all the themes except the default and still can’t get in.

    I’ve gone through almost everything I could find in the forums about this issue as well as things people wrote about randomly on their blogs, and none of it has worked. I’ve gone through the manual upgrade instructions 4 times and it’s still fubared.

    I’m seriously about to blow the whole thing away and just start over from scratch.

    Moderator t-p


    -try contacting the hosting provider if the database server is online / if they have any other problem at their end, or they made any changes to your account, or if there are any limitations/restrictions, etc. Also check with them if you need to upgrade the hosting account in order to install and run your verson of the WordPress.

    Thread Starter rubyfruitradio


    The hosting provider is a friend of mine who hosts websites for clients.
    I checked with him yesterday and no changes have been made, everything is ok as he has other people who have this version of WP installed.

    He looked and didn’t see anything wrong on the server side so it’s definitely something with the config on my end.

    Moderator t-p


    have you tried this troubleshooting step as I suggested above:

    -If the above steps do not resolve the issue, Download WordPress again and replace your copies of everything EXCEPT the wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory with fresh copies. This should replace your core files without changing your content and settings in wp-config.php file and the /wp-content/ directory.

    -Also, try increasing memory available for php.

    -also try renaming .htaccess file for a moment (something like .htacessHOLD etc.)

    Thread Starter rubyfruitradio


    so I did all that stuff but…when going to try to rename the .htaccess is not there. DOH!

    Shouldn’t it just be at the root? Could this be causing all my problems?

    .htaccess file is automatically generated when you install WordPress. Do not touch that. What you need to re-upload manually are the WordPress files from WP 3.0.5

    Thread Starter rubyfruitradio


    The .htaccess file is nowhere to be found anyway. Couldn’t touch it if I wanted to.

    I have tried to manually reupload the files from 3.0.5 6 times now.

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