• ansamnia


    After transferring WordPress site via FTP Client and Establishing Database in PhpMyAdmin some pictures are gone somewhere from website
    And the most interesting problem – whats up with admin panel? Here’s screenshot of it

    View post on imgur.com

    View post on imgur.com

    Can you tell me where i should start searching for an error?

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  • Hello @ansamnia,

    1. See if your Web Hosting Causes the error.

    if you have shared hosting and two websites on the same host and both the websites are causing the same problem, then there must be some problem with your hosting. contact the administrator tell them to resolve.

    [IMP] – Before applying the below mentioned fixes. I recommend you to backup your entire website

    2. Theme related errors.

    to trouble shoot theme related area first of all disable the currently active theme. as you unable to access admin dashboard you need to disable from the back end(c panel or ftp client).
    If you have access of your backend then go to the public_html/htdocs->wp-content->themes and figure out your currently active theme directory and change its name as “<folder-name>_disabled”. so WordPress no longer read it.

    Now try to access admin dashboard. if it solve the problem, then your theme is causing the error. if not then try the below fix that deals with plugin issues

    3. Disable Plugin
    If one of your installed plugin is causing the issue then, you need to disable all the plugins. to disable all plugin from the back end. go to the public_html/htdocs->wp-content->plugins and change plugin folder name as “plugins_temp”. it will disable all the plugins.
    and again check admin dashboard if it works.

    if still you are getting the same issues. try the below one

    4. Remove empty lines and PHP closing tag (?>) from wp-config file (use backend to edit wp-config file)

    if still you are getting the same issues. try the below one

    5. Increase PHP Memory Limit
    To increase PHP memory in your wp-config file under “Define WP Debug” add the following code

    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );
    if still you are getting the same issues. try the below one

    6. Repair Database

    To repair your DB:

    • Login to your cPanel account.
    • In the Databases section, click on PhpMyAdmin.
    • select the database you want to work with.
    • Click Check All at the bottom to select all tables. Next, in “With selected”, select Repair table
    • .

    See if it helps.

    Thank You

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