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  • Hey Corey,

    I’m not sure how we laugh complaints away, perhaps humour was used in an attempt try and lighten the situation in some circumstances?

    Regardless, I’m sorry you feel this way, it wasn’t our intention.

    The notification issue, this time, was a conflict/bug that started with the release of WordPress 4.5 and a major UI/UX update for us. We’ve been testing a fix that’s about to drop this morning.

    Thank you for taking the time to leave your feedback here Corey. In future, please feel free to open a support ticket if you notice something like a dismissable item coming back

    How about not only making sure the notices can be dismissed, but also keep them at the standard (small) size without 300px+ high cartoon images?

    The intrusion of third party branding into the back end has never had the apparently intended effect on me. I override it or use a less intrusive alternative.

    Thread Starter Corey Kretsinger


    The reason why I feel like you’re laughing at clients who don’t want to deal with this nonsense, is because you continue to make excuses for why you inconvenience us.

    These bugs exist only because you insist on injecting your marketing into other people’s websites.

    Now you are going to release *yet another* update to fix a bug related to said injections and cause even more inconvenience. Thus wasting even more of your client’s time. All so YOU can do something YOU want, but many of your clients hate.

    When I go to a website that charges nothing for content I somewhat expect to have to dismiss things. It’s spam, but it’s how they pay the bills. You, on the other hand, want your cake and eat it too.

    I know you’re smart people. This is not difficult to comprehend. If I were to constantly place marketing on your website and told you “You can just delete it and it won’t come back :)” – how would you feel about THAT?

    It’s not going to kill you to have an ounce of respect for other people’s website and time. YOU could fix this easily. That you won’t is a slap in the face to anyone who purchases your products.

    Every time I have to dismiss one of your stinking notifications I will leave a negative review from now on. Since you’re going to waste my time anyway, I may as well waste some more until you get the point.

    I like your plugins. I don’t want to quit using them. You continue to try and force me to drop you like a bad habit though.

    Did it ever occur to you how much you are damaging the trust people place in you by using your scripts when you do this kind of thing?

    Hi Corey (& Dan),

    So sorry to hear about your negative experience, I’d totally be upset with that too so if it’s our fault that the messages have come back, then I can only apologise and assure you it’s a mistake that we will work bloody hard to make sure doesn’t happen again! No laughing matter for sure.

    In terms of marketing you can totally blame me for that though (eeeep) I figured I wanted the new style notifications to be more fun / interesting / less boring (and thus, I admit, more clickable)… my logic was that as they are removable (and hopefully just the once) then it wouldn’t make much difference if they were 150 or 300px – I’m already planning on scaling that back, if we get a bunch more feedback like this then I’ll push that along, promise.

    Honestly, the absolute last thing we want to do is spam or upset our users, all we want to do is provide a quality free service (that meets most peoples needs) with a few extras that will help us pay the bills – but having said that we’ve obviously upset you, so I appreciate you letting us know so we can fix stuff up.

    In the interim I’d love to offer you a free annual membership by way of apology, just ping me at [email protected] and I’ll get that done for you – I really don’t want to lose you as a user, free or paid.

    Hope this helps clear things up, James

    Thread Starter Corey Kretsinger


    Hi James,

    Thank you for your thoughtful (and respectful), reply.

    Have to admit that I am utterly confused at this point. Between being blasted by one of your guys and having my paid membership revoked and refunded by another (something I did not ask for, nor expect to happen), I’m no longer sure what to think here.

    I had been a member since 2011 and it was forcibly terminated yesterday, making me spend the day cleaning up all kinds of sites and deleting things.

    Please advise on what you think I should do. I honestly cannot tell what is going on.

    Thank you,


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