• Recently updated to 2.0 and updated/migrated database as required to update to Pro 1.0.3, but I continue to have an error notice in admin despite having the current version.

    “Client Dash Pro could not load because it needs to be upgraded first.”

    Also seem to have lost Admin pages I created prior to updating.

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  • Plugin Contributor joelworsham


    Apologies for this, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. This is indeed an issue for getting Client Dash Pro up to it’s latest version (which is actually 1.1.0). We have just pushed an update to Client Dash. Please update Client Dash to version 2.0.1 and then you should soon after see an update for Client Dash Pro for version 1.1.0. Please then update Client Dash Pro.

    Let us know if you have any other issues.

    Just tried to install for the first time ever, and I get that message. When I click to update it throws an error 500… luckily it didn’t kill my site. Not a very good start for a first time user.

    Plugin Contributor joelworsham


    Hi Vertical Hosts,

    Could you please open a separate ticket if you need help so I can better follow up with support questions and help you get things solved? Thanks!

    Same problem here, Migrating my current Client Dash to 2.0.1 gives a 500 error. Can’t use this plugin anymore.


    Plugin Contributor joelworsham


    Hi Gerrit,

    Could you please open a new ticket if you need help? I don’t want to continually notify the original author of this support thread, but I would need to ask you follow up questions to figure out exactly what the error is.

    Thank you.

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