• Resolved Joseph


    I have been using this plugin on my website and client website for a while and it worked perfect. But now, I am no longer able to access admin. It either shows ”unavailable” or an error page.

    I uninstalled the plugin through cPanel, but when installed again, the problem starts again.

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  • Plugin Support aporter



    Can you check your PHP error log for any errors and share them here?

    Can you also tell me what error you see on the page?

    Best Wishes,


    Thread Starter Joseph


    The admin login page shows WordPress Error ”Not available.”

    On my client website, the admin login leads to

    On both sites, I had whitelisted my IP address.



    Hello, I’ve had the same problem for a few hours. This morning I was able to log in without any problems, but now I get the same error message.

    Plugin Support aporter



    If you turned on the login whitelist and thats causing you to be blocked you can add this to your wp-config.php to disable the feature:


    Or If it’s the login lockout feature this define will disable that:

    define("AIOS_DISABLE_LOGIN_LOCKOUT", true);

    Note: be careful with copy and pasting from wp.org it sometimes changes the ‘ to ` and that will cause an error

    Best Wishes,


    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by aporter.
    • This reply was modified 12 months ago by aporter.
    Thread Starter Joseph


    I have tried but it does not work. Is there a way to make the plugin start afresh?

    I love this plugin; I cannot find an alternative.

    Plugin Support hjogiupdraftplus


    Hi @josephmaluleka

    Can you please share your site url using the https://pastebin.com/ with read after burn option.

    Generally if you can see “Not avaialble” when try access the wp-admin it means you have renamed login page, and you should try access with the renamed login page url having the renamed login slug.

    If wp-admin being redirected on another PC then it might be cookie based brute force on. and at your PC cookie is set which works for 24 hrs

    you should try access with {siteurl}?{secretword}=1

    If you have forgot secretword set for cookie based brute force try define below contstant in wp-config.php it should disable cookie based brute force prevention.





    Thank you for the quick support, that worked. Best regards

    Thread Starter Joseph



    Regarding {siteurl}?{secretword}=1, it leads to an access denied page.

    Plugin Support hjogiupdraftplus


    Hi @josephmaluleka

    It seems you have renamed login page as wp-admin shows “Not available” and the url you sent in pastebin.com is renamed login page url which shows HTTO 403 ERROR. it might be due to login white list on and accessing from not whitelisted IP.

    Define below constant in wp-config.php it will disable login whitelist and try the renamed login page url it should show login page. Please login and add your IP to white list. and then remove the constant from wp-config.php

    define( 'AIOS_DISABLE_LOGIN_WHITELIST', true ); 

    WP security > Settings > Advanced settings there you might can set the correct Server variable to detect your correct IP Address, If It is not.


    Let me know if still any issue.


    Thread Starter Joseph


    Thank you for your assistance – highly appreciated. Your solution worked.

    Plugin Support hjogiupdraftplus


    Hi @josephmaluleka @stefanmertin

    Glad to know issue seems solved.

    Would you mind writing a quick five-star review on www.remarpro.com?


    Reviews also help others to make confident decisions about our plugin.

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