• Hi,
    I have just discovered that the drop down menu on my blog is completely missing.
    Where there used to be plugins appearance and themes and posts there is just nothing.
    I am very frustrated since I urgently need to work on my blog.
    I have not visited the site for several weeks.
    Is this an administrator rights issue or ?????
    I am a beginner to this as it is. Can anyone help me at all?????

    Thanks in advance

    Tina from New Zealand

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  • Did you updated anything before? And also what is your url?

    Thread Starter activeplanetnz


    Hello Richard,
    thank you for caring.
    activeplanetnews.com ):
    I am happy to send you the logindetails per email perhaps?

    Thread Starter activeplanetnz


    I have still no improvement on this issue.
    Can anyone help?
    Where can one get help with a wp issue other than here?


    Are you the only administrator on that website?
    You can try to reinstall wp-admin using a FTP client to see if this fixes the issue.

    Thread Starter activeplanetnz


    Yea I wonder whether I have somehow lost my administrator rights.
    No idea how. I am a beginner on this here. How do you reinstall a wp- admin and what is a FTP client (I can hear you sighing ?? )
    Appreciate your message!! Thank you

    Check this links:
    1. FTP_Clients
    2. Installing_WordPress
    -on this 2nd article give extra attention on the ftp method for uploading files.
    So you use a ftp client (ex: FilleZilla) to upload files to your website server.
    First of all you download on your local computer the wordpress archive, you extract the files and then throw fillezilla you overwrite wp-admin.

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