• Just out of nothing I have this long list of links instead my regular Admin bar.

    I’ve seen in other threads and checked them out but nothing that solded.

    >Tried disabling all plugins

    >Seletect other theme…

    >Edited footer.php

    I’m running WP with the following plugins:
    >Easy BootStrap
    >WP SEO Yoast
    >TinyMCE Advance
    >Limit Login Attemps
    >Easy Twitter Feed Widget

    On Dazzling Theme

    I did try to place my own “Powered by… ” link in the footer but I removed it and now I don’t know where it is.

    Recently, I was changing Folder permissions via FTP or CHMOD (not an FTP expert).

    Well, this is my footer.php right here

    And this is my site: http:triplestrata.com

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