Good to know it isn’t just me! I’ve been troubleshooting 20+ plugins all day to track this back to AIO WPSec, restored a backup to known-good and verified again.
Steps to replicate the issue:
1. Go to my custom login URL (ie /heyloginhere/ ), try to log in.
2. Response back is blank except for “Not available.”
3. If I delete the login URL path and go to just the base domain (ie, the site pulls up and I see the Admin Bar. However, clicking on anything in the Admin Bar just returns the “Not available.” error.
4. SO, I logged into FTP and renamed the “all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall” folder to something else.
5. Logged out and back in (using /wp-login.php, because the custom login URL no longer works with AIO disabled). I still get an error indicating login was unsuccessful, but when I go to the main domain now, the Admin Bar links actually take me to their expected endpoints.
6. I can browse around the site and Admin area without issue, until I log out attempt to log back in. Then I’m back to Step 2 above.
This just started yesterday, I believe just after updating to the most recent version. Can’t find a downloadable of it or I’d just roll back and wait until the next one’s out or this one’s stable.
( Confirming I disabled P Rocket caching plugin, the Limit Login Attempts plugin, etc. to verify all the above. This issue is definitely the AIO WPSec plugin and happens even without caching. )
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by
This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by