• I have 3 domains hosted with the same host, Host I Can. All 3 are word press installs. 2 Work just fine. The most recent one I set up functions fine but has some strange things happening.

    1. When I go to the main admin log in screen the rounded corners box is missing and you can only see the fields where you can enter your user name and your password. Log in works just fine but it doesn’t look like the other log in screens. I wonder if I can just re-upload some admin file that represents that page and restore everything properly.

    2. When I go to write a post the visual editor is mostly blocked. You can see tiny portions of the buttons but they cannot be clicked and they are chopped off. If you click on the code editor you get the buttons and they can be clicked. You can write posts just fine but you cannot use the visual editor. Again maybe it is just a file I can re-upload to restore the correct look to the visual editor.

    The real problem this causes is that this is a site for someone else. I have to make a directions sheet with screenshots for a few users so I want everything to be visually correct. I will post on another blog screenshots of the problem as I see it so you can see exactly what I mean.
    Click Here

    I installed WP using the one click Fantastico install at host I can. It works fine in the ohter 2 domains so I am thinking I lost a few files or they got corrupted. If I do a site backup, delete WP, re-install it, transfer the files, whose to say I won’t have exactly the same problem.

    What do you suggest?

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  • I don’t know what the solution is but I’m having the same problem. The 2 issues you describe are actually one. It’s just missing graphics.

    I already have one installation on one subdomain (just upgraded to 2.5, via Fantastico) and have just installed a second one via Fantastico also. The second installation, on a separate subdomain, doesn’t show any graphics in the admin area.

    I can add to the above that the graphics are definitely uploaded because if I navigate the browser to the URL they’re all there, the page just doesn’t seem to load them. This problem manifests in both Firefox 3 beta 5 and IE 7.


    I was getting 403 errors when I clicked “View Background Image” on the main site too. If I hit refresh I still got the 403, but if I hit return in the address bar to try again it loaded the image.

    It turns out it was because I’d enabled hot-link protection and hadn’t updated it to allow this new subdomain to link to images.

    Hope this helps.

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