• Resolved steverino2


    Help! As admin I cannot login from any browser. The browser I apparently was logged into the site on closed improperly last night, and this morning it does not remember it was logged in. I had single device login enabled on the plug in with no time limit on login. Now I cannot login to the site from anywhere or any browser and am totally locked out. Anyway to bypass the plug in as admin and get into the site??

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  • Thread Starter steverino2


    Never mind, I just deactivated the plugin via FTP.

    Plugin Author Joel James


    Hey @steverino2,

    Hope you could login again. You can always allow admins to have unlimited logins by using a filter.

    function loggedin_bypass_roles( $prevent, $user_id ) {
        // Array of roles to bypass.
        $allowed_roles = array( 'administrator' );
        $user = get_user_by( 'id', $user_id );
        $roles = ! empty( $user->roles ) ? $user->roles : array();
        $bypassed = array_intersect( $roles, $allowed_roles );
        return ! empty( $bypassed );
    add_filter( 'loggedin_bypass', 'loggedin_bypass_roles', 10, 2 );
    Thread Starter steverino2


    I did get in, had to deactivate the plugin by changing the plugin’s folder name via FTP, then logged in and reactivated it. Thanks for the code.

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