• Hi there,

    Your admin dashboard reveals security information about our website. Unfortunately, we cannot find the details for the following dashboard parameters:

    (1) “Events Tracked”
    (2) “Suspicious Activities”
    (3) “Activities Blocked”
    (4) “IPs Monitored”

    Click here for graphical details: https://prntscr.com/pmolth

    Where can we find the details for above parameters?
    Please make above parameters “clickable” for a quick find and display of details.

    Above considered important and, quite honestly, urgent. Would be awesome if you can solve the above at your earliest opportunity.

    Thank you!

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  • Information like that is usually available in the screen/page contextual Help …
    However the info is not available under the Dashboard main menu option.

    But is it available under the Security Dashboard sub menu option.

    To prevent any confusion, I’m not iThemes.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by nlpro.
    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Thank you for chiming in.

    Can you share a screenshot showing the location of these files?

    What are you calling “contextual help?” (back clicking each parameter title reveals nothing)

    Could not find these files under the Security Dashboard. Screenshot above happens to be the Security Dashboard.

    Again, thank you.

    The WordPress Dashboard contextual help can be accessed by clicking on the Help button in the right upper corner (next to the Screen Options button) of any page/screen.

    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Looks like above-requested info is not available at all. If you know where to find the details (i.e., IPs associated with “IPs Monitored”), please let me know. Screen shots would be helpful.

    iThemes should update their plugin to help us find above info (as suggested).

    Thank you!

    Ah, right. Looks like I misunderstood your request.

    Anyway I’ll just copy/paste what I found in the WordPress Dashboard contextual help:

    The bar at the top of the screen is a summary of the number of Security related events that occurred on your website in the last 30 days.

    • Events Tracked: Total logged events across all of iThemes Security.
    • Suspicious Activities: Total activity that iThemes Security deems suspicious such as 404s, invalid login attempts, missing reCAPTCHA, or unrecognized Trusted Devices.
    • Activities Blocked: The number of times iThemes Security takes action to block a suspicious user. Includes lockouts, banned IPs and protected hijacked sessions.
    • IPs Monitored: Total number of IPs being tracked by iThemes Security.

    It clarifies to some extend what the stats are about.

    To understand exactly how these 4 numbers are calculated you’ll need to look at the SQL query used for each. Below per stat an overview of the table the SQL statement is run upon and between brackets the class method (args incl) which contains the SQL query used. The class methods can be found in the file:


    Events Tracked – wp_itsec_dashboard_events (total_events( $period = false ))
    Suspicious Activities – wp_itsec_dashboard_events (count_events( $slug_or_slugs, $period = false ))
    Activities Blocked – wp_itsec_dashboard_events (count_events( $slug_or_slugs, $period = false ))
    IPs Monitored – wp_itsec_logs (total_ips( $period = false ))

    To understand the difference between Suspicious Activities and Activities Blocked have a look at the get_item() class method in the file:


    Hope this helps to better understand what these 4 stats are based upon.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by nlpro.
    Thread Starter jetxpert



    Thanks again for your help. Let’s hope iThemes will update their dashboard to make the above items “clickable” so we can see the actual list of the events, activities, and IPs that are being tracked, blocked, and monitored.

    As it stands now, the dashboard does not help much.


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