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  • We encounter a problem also due to this limit of 150 redirects. Why is it implemented?

    Try this, it works for us

    1. open file “safe-redirect-manager.php”
    2. change row 57 “public $default_max_redirects = 150;”

    Thanks for the hint. But this should really be an option.

    I understand the limit is due to performance issues. I agree it would be nice if it can be flexibly set in plugin, and than just warn if level is too high it can cause performance issues.

    ps: we have no perofrmance issues currently with 300 redirects.

    Thank you, Marcel. ??

    Put this into the functions.php of your (child) theme before the closing “?>” :

    * Increase the maximum alloted redirects
    add_filter( ‘srm_max_redirects’, ‘wpcom_srm_max_redirects’ );
    function wpcom_srm_max_redirects() {
    return 300;

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