Admin area -> plugins -> loading super slow
I’m not sure what exactly is causing the issue.
I’ve noticed my WP admin area becoming very slow, especially the plugins section. It took longer than 30s to load, and whenever I’ve activated a new plugin it took literally several minutes until WP admin became responsive again.I’ve spent hours with checking plugins, used a Gravity Forms debug tool to disable all plugins and custom themes, and then enable one by one again.
The conclusion is that as soon as I enable Asset Cleanup the plugins section becomes super slow. Once I disable Asset Cleanup everything goes back to speed.
I really like the frontend benefits of the plugin but it makes it almost impossible to work on the backend.
@picturebreeze thank you for reporting this and I’d definitely look into it as it’s enough one setting or an incompatibility issue between plugins to cause this which is surprising me, to be honest as from what you’re saying it takes an awful lot of seconds to go through the Dashboard’s pages when the plugin is active. I’ve never experienced it in any environment and I’m positive these kind of cases are fairly isolated.
I’d like to know whether you’re on dedicated or shared hosting, your hosting company, PHP version and a list of plugins that you use. Ideally, I’d like your “System Info” from “Tools” (Asset CleanUp). If you can hide the website URL and other sensitive data and provide me the rest of the contents that would be great. The more information you could provide to me, the better! Also, have you noticed this in previous versions of the plugin? Or is it something specific to
I’m on shared hosting.
I can’t say anything about previous versions of the plugin. I just installed it maybe 2 weeks ago.### Begin System Info ###
# Site Info
Site URL:
Home URL:
Multisite: No# Hosting Provider
Host: DBH: localhost, SRV: User Browser
Browser Name: Chrome
Browser Version: 76.0.3809.100
Browser User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/76.0.3809.100 Safari/537.36
Platform: Apple# WordPress Configuration
Version: 5.2.2
Language: en_US
Permalink Structure: /%postname%/
Active Theme: Hello Elementor Child 1.0.0
Show On Front: page
Page On Front: …
Page For Posts: Unset
ABSPATH: /www/htdocs/…
WP_DEBUG: Disabled
Memory Limit: 40M# WordPress Uploads/Constants
WP_CONTENT_DIR: /www/htdocs/…/wp-content
UPLOADS: Not set
wp_uploads_dir() path: /www/htdocs/…/wp-content/uploads/2019/08
wp_uploads_dir() url:
wp_uploads_dir() basedir: /www/htdocs/…/wp-content/uploads
wp_uploads_dir() baseurl: Active Plugins (“plugins” directory)
AffiliateWP: 2.3
AffiliateWP – Allow Own Referrals: 1.0.2
Asset CleanUp: Page Speed Booster:
Autoptimize: 2.5.1
Autoptimize Power-Up: 1.16.0
Better Search Replace: 1.3.3
Bulk Actions Pro for Gravity Forms: 1.2.22
Comments Ratings: 1.1.6
Elementor: 2.6.8
Elementor Pro: 2.6.2 (new version available – 2.6.3)
Google Analytics Dashboard for WP (GADWP): 5.3.8
Gravity Forms: 2.4.11
Gravity Forms Collapsible Sections: 1.0.13
Gravity Forms Coupons Add-On: 2.9
Gravity Forms Debug Add-On: 1.0.beta11
Gravity Forms Event Tracking: 2.3.10
Gravity Forms Limit Date Range: 2.1.1
Gravity Forms Partial Entries Add-On: 1.4
Gravity Forms PayPal Standard Add-On: 3.2
Gravity Forms Polls Add-On: 3.4
Gravity Forms Stripe Add-On: 2.7 (new version available – 2.9)
GravityWP – CSS Selector: 1.0.1
Newsletter: 6.1.6
Popup Trigger URL for Elementor Pro: 1.0.1
Remove Dashboard Access: 1.1.3
Styles & Layouts Gravity Forms: 4.2.3
The SEO Framework: 3.2.4
UpdraftPlus – Backup/Restore: 1.16.16
WP Fastest Cache: Inactive Plugins (“plugins” directory)
Affiliates GravityForms: 3.0.0
Affiliates Pro: 4.2.0
Gravity Forms Bulk Add Fields: 1.0.2
Gravity Forms Color Picker: 1.0.3
Itthinx Updates: 1.2.0
Really Simple Affiliate Program: 2.1# Webserver Configuration
PHP Version: 7.1.30-nmm1
MySQL Version: 5.6.44
Webserver Info: Apache# PHP Configuration
Memory Limit: 256M
Upload Max Size: 200M
Post Max Size: 200M
Upload Max Filesize: 200M
Time Limit: 30
Max Input Vars: 10000
Display Errors: On (php.ini value: 1)# PHP Extensions
cURL: Supported
fsockopen: Supported
SOAP Client: Installed
Suhosin: Not Installed# Session Configuration
Session: Disabled# Asset CleanUp Configuration
Has read “Stripping the fat” text: YesManage in the Dashboard: Yes (direct)
Manage in the Front-end: No
Input Fields Style: Enhanced
Hide WP Files (from managing): Yes
Enable “Test Mode”? NoMinify loaded CSS? No
Minify loaded JS? No
Combine loaded CSS? No
Combine loaded JS? No
CSS/JS Storage Directory: /www/htdocs/…/wp-content/cache/asset-cleanup/ (writable)Disable Emojis? Yes
Disable Dashicons Site-Wide For Guests? Yes
Disable Gutenberg CSS Block Editor (site-wide)? No
Disable jQuery Migrate (site-wide)? No
Disable Comment Reply (site-wide)? NoRemove “Really Simple Discovery (RSD)” link tag? Yes
Remove “Windows Live Writer” link tag? Yes
Remove “REST API” link tag? Yes
Remove Pages/Posts “Shortlink” tag? Yes
Remove “Post’s Relational Links” tag? Yes
Remove “WordPress version” meta tag? Yes
Remove All “generator” meta tags? Yes
Remove Main RSS Feed Link? Yes
Remove Comment RSS Feed Link? YesXML-RPC protocol: Disable XML-RPC Completely
# Asset CleanUp: CSS/JS Caching Storage
Total cached assets: 0 (N/A)# Asset CleanUp: Database Storage
Table: options
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No recordsTable: termmeta
No records### End System Info ###
@picturebreeze thank you for the details. Everything looks good. I haven’t had a chance to test all the plugins.
Are you comfortable removing a line of code? If yes, you can edit the following file /wp-content/plugins/wp-asset-clean-up/wpacu.php and remove the line
require_once WPACU_PLUGIN_DIR.'/freemius-load.php';
Or comment it like this://require_once WPACU_PLUGIN_DIR.'/freemius-load.php';
This will deactivate the Freemius SDK. I have a suspicion that it adds up to that load time in your WordPress environment, for some reason.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Gabe Livan.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Gabe Livan.
Thanks. I took that line out and it seems like it solved the problem. Going to watch it closely for a few days.
Thanks for the help.@picturebreeze note that I’ve implemented a way to disable “Freemius Insights & Analytics” which will be pushed in the next update (which will be Once you perform the Asset CleanUp plugin update, just go to “Settings” -> “Plugin Usage Preferences” and mark “Disable Freemius Insights & Analytics” (see the reference below)
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
Gabe Livan.
This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by
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