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  • Correction: I will reinstall your plugin and test it with better wp security. I tested your plugin with BPS and they play nice with each other – no conflicts or issues. But I did not test with renaming the db table prefixes originally.

    I had few spare minutes so I went ahead and tested everything.

    Changed the $table_prefix = 'test_'; variable in wp-config.php and installed a new WordPress site.
    All DB tables were created with table prefix test_.
    Installed WooCommerce Email Verification.
    Your flat DB table was created successfully wev_temp_user InnoDB latin1_swedish_ci.
    I had to modify some of your code for testing since I do not have woocommerce and your plugin is hooking into the woocommerce global global $woocommerce; obviously.
    Your plugin functions without any problems or issues.
    So I stand corrected that you would need to add $wbdb->prefix to any of your code since I misinterpreted what your plugin code was attempting to do.

    Installed Better wp security and used the DB table prefix renamer.
    Your plugin no longer works. So the problem is some conflict with better wp security and your plugin. What that is exactly I am not sure. This test was performed to find the source origin of the problem and not to go any deeper and provide a working solution.

    I will notify KushClean that what caused the problem is better wp security and not your plugin. I will also ask him to reverse his star rating/vote since your plugin is ok and the problem is being caused by the better wp security plugin. Thanks.

    Deleted all the itsec DB tables and uninstalled Better wp security and your plugin works again.

    Disregard. the problem was with the /activate page on my test site. it just so happens i had pre-existing redirect code for another /activate page in use. On the user’s site after deleting the left over itsec tables the problem was still occurring. So i checked his /activate page to see if something similar was occurring. an activate page had never been created. your plugin is working fine after doing the procedural setup step of creating the /activate page on the user’s site. my apologies for guessing what was wrong. all the php errors and other things indicated some other problem. might be useful to add an Admin notice to users after activating your plugin. ie “you’re almost done, next step is to create the /activate page”. ?? probably an error check would be a good thing too. ie “cannot activate your account since the /activate page does not exist”.

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